Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pi e Prime Phi Py

(Published on 23. January 2023, 15:10 by alhobj)

My first puzzle. I think it might have a really hard break-in but I am not sure. I will be really happy for some feedback. No math knowledge is required.

Place 1-9 in each column and row.

The cage contains the 24 first digits of pi (314159265358979323846264). Each digit is orthogonal to the next digit.

There are eight lines, two of them have a single cell overlap, and there is no other overlap. On each of the lines place the first four, six or nine digits of the following:

- e (271828182)

- Golden ratio (161803398)

- Prime numbers (235711131)

- Square root of 2 (141421356)

A line can pass and use the same square twice but never its own starting cell.

F-Puzzles link: https://tinyurl.com/534hm88u

CTC Link: https://tinyurl.com/4j84dkh9

Solution code: Column 9 (top to bottom)

Last changed on on 23. January 2023, 20:22

Solved by drbs, Leonard Hal, nmmc123, lapazhu
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Last changed on 9. May 2024, 20:49

on 11. April 2024, 20:19 by Sapio
I'm struggling to figure out how there can only be one overlap...! Are there supposed to be two single cell overlaps between two *pairs* of lines?


Sorry for not wording it better (and for not answering sooner). R6C7 is a cell that is clearly part of two lines. The other one has to be R3C6 or R4C6. The final sentence says that a sequence can go through a cell like R3C6 twice. As an example the order could be R4C8, R3C8, R3C7, R3C6, R4C6, R4C7, R3C6, R3C5 and R2C5. Hope that helps!

Last changed on 5. January 2024, 13:14

on 8. July 2023, 04:43 by lapazhu
break-in was a bit tricky for me but I'm not exactly the best solver out there. quite fun puzzle and I'd love to see more!
Thank you! I am not the best solver either. I have made one other puzzle but your comment inspired me to start making another puzzle :)

Last changed on 24. January 2023, 21:35

on 24. January 2023, 15:18 by drbs
Nice puzzle and quite approachable. The break in is not difficult, there is only one possible way to make the lines work.
Response from alhobj: Thank you drbs!

on 23. January 2023, 20:22 by alhobj
New catchy name

on 23. January 2023, 15:17 by alhobj
Description update

on 23. January 2023, 15:12 by alhobj
Updated links

Solved:4 times
Observed:6 times

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