Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Flora on Sand by Paul Klee

(Published on 21. January 2023, 05:00 by Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers outside the grid are the sum of the numbers on the indicated diagonal. Numbers can repeat on diagonals, if other rules allow. Numbers in cages sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage. There are three magic squares (3x3 areas where the sum of all rows, columns and major diagonals sum to 15). The centers of two of the magic squares are in two of the 1x1 colored cells in Paul Klee's painting. The third center is to be determined by the solver.

F-Puzzles in color

F-Puzzles less color

Solve on CTC in color

Solve on CTC less color

Solution code: Row 8 and column 8.

Last changed on on 24. January 2023, 15:54

Solved by terrible_casserole, dskaff, Buttafingazz, jalebc, Dermerlin, wjdrumm, Enkerro, dodomos, Greg, pepe74287, SeveNateNine, Miaocik, EmX68, CaneloC, Jodelbanane, Nairi, Chelo, Raistlen, asver, zuzanina, ... Crul, Carolin, martin1456, KWilt, PippoForte, -Tsigje-, BakBak, metacom, Kekes, zorant, JSmoove1099, Kenji769, Nothere, naggy, skywalker, jklimp, DozingSongbird, pms_headache, josemadre, abihummel
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on 5. February 2023, 13:02 by geronimo92
@dskaff : so what ? not allowed to give extra clues ? all puzzles MUST have the fewest necessary clues ?

on 21. January 2023, 05:51 by dskaff
Fun puzzle, it is solvable with only the 14 and 21 little killer clues

Rating:85 %
Solved:77 times
Observed:9 times

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