Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 18. January 2023, 02:08 by novarielet)

- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Digits in cages may not repeat and must sum to the total in the upper left-hand corner.

- Digits along arrows must sum to the number in the arrow's circle and may repeat if permitted by other rules.

- Numbers along the outside of the grid show the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits may repeat along these diagonals.

- Adjacent digits along green German Whispers lines must differ by at least 5.

Solve on F-Puzzles

This is my first ever sudoku. I hope you enjoy! Please leave feedback in the comments below :)

Solution code: Row 2, column 6 (18 digits, no spaces)

Solved by SKORP17, dodomos, jalebc, Megalobrainiac, dennischen, dskaff, c00373s, jguer, Chelo, 333sudoku333, nmmc123, Dermerlin, VeTaurus, cegie, Nairi, AvonD, Ragna, terrible_casserole, jlaitio, Jagga, ... Blombit, zrbakhtiar, mse326, 8bitlemon, NineK, Crul, ManuH, pepe74287, flaemmchen, Benitora201, zorant, PippoForte, Felis_Timon, PinkNickels, starelev5, Montikulum, mezkur7, Martini&Toto, dingledork
Full list


on 19. January 2023, 18:25 by Ragna
Das hat Spaß gemacht!
Witziger Einstieg.
Dankeschön. :-))

on 18. January 2023, 15:50 by Chelo
Very nice puzzle @novarielet, please keep on setting!..

on 18. January 2023, 04:18 by dodomos
Nice opening!

Rating:85 %
Solved:50 times
Observed:10 times

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