Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 12. January 2023, 13:44 by mathpesto)


Draw a non-intersecting loop along some edges. Cells inside the loop form one orthogonally connected area and cells outside the loop are orthogonally connected to the edge of the grid. A 2x2 area cannot be entirely inside nor entirely outside.

One clue in a cell refers to the number of edges that are part of the loop (i.e. slitherlink) and the other refers to the number of cells of its own type (i.e. inside or outside the loop) that it sees horizontally and vertically, including itself. The order in which the clues appear is arbitrary. A “? ?” in a cell means the two clues have the same value.


Solution code: Number of cells inside the loop in Rows 5, 6, 7, and 8 (4 digits, no spaces)

Solved by 85392, kublai, Dandelo, KNT, Mark Sweep, kjholt, bigger, jkuo7, h5663454, Nordy, saskia-daniela, Lizzy01, MagnusJosefsson, TJReds, Jesper, data, bernhard, angusg, rubbeng, CHalb, Jaych, D'Veil, ... misko, VinceNo5, little_arturo, widjo, zhantyzgz, Torvelo, Counterfeitly, Zzzyxas, mdjvz, bereolosp, yttrio, zhall12570, MountBecton, PaganiusI, susadoraku, teff, LeiZ123321, TheZwierz, JustinTucker
Full list


on 9. February 2023, 16:47 by topoi
Always a pleasure to play your puzzles!

on 19. January 2023, 04:03 by wooferzfg
Very fun puzzle, thanks! It was cool to figure out the implications of the ruleset, especially for the "??" clues.

on 13. January 2023, 15:20 by MagnusJosefsson
Very nice easy puzzle!

on 13. January 2023, 07:31 by Nordy
Relaxing and fun… sometimes exactly what I need :)

Rating:92 %
Solved:49 times
Observed:6 times

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