Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 9. January 2023, 23:39 by grkles)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

X-sums: Clues outside the grid are X-sums, some of which must be deduced by the solver. An X-sum clue gives the sum of the first N digits in that row or column, where N is the first digit seen by the clue.

Modular Lines: Lines are Modular Lines. Every set of three sequential digits along a line must contain a complete set of residues modulo 3, i.e. inside the grid, this would be one digit from {1,4,7}, one from {2,5,8}, and one from {3,6,9}. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by other rules. Modular lines of length 2 must contain elements from different classes. (Outside the grid, numbers larger than 9 are allowed, but the relationship between the residue classes is the same.)

For automatic answer check, enter each digit in the grid, as well as all of the x-sums clues on lines outside the grid, in red, blue, or green.

Solve online with Penpa+.

Solution code: Row 7, followed by column 5 (18 digits, no spaces).

Solved by glum_hippo, Bellsita, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Steven R, Playmaker6174, h5663454, tuturitu, karen_birgitta, Vebby, jwsinclair, SudokuExplorer, matiasv5, AvonD, mse326, marcmees, Niverio, cdwg2000, Crusader175, Ulistef, PippoForte, FzFeather, OGRussHood, teuthida, ManuH, MicroStudy, draftstyle, NeroChaos, Just me
Full list


on 19. February 2023, 08:39 by Crusader175

on 19. January 2023, 20:57 by Niverio

on 10. January 2023, 18:16 by h5663454
Great and fun!
I hope that the same type of puzzles without any hint numbers can be launched in the future!

on 10. January 2023, 03:27 by Playmaker6174
Very lovely and neat puzzle! Lots of fun aha moments for me :)

on 9. January 2023, 23:41 by glum_hippo
Sehr hübsch, man muß jedoch ziemlich aufpassen.

Rating:99 %
Solved:28 times
Observed:10 times

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