Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mean Samurai

(Published on 9. January 2023, 17:11 by JayForty)

Inspired by the efforts of MavericksJD to set a mean mini samurai during a speed setting competition. Great fun to set so I hope you find it enjoyable too!

Each of the coloured areas and the center 4x4 is a 4x4 sudoku grid using four of the digits 1-9. Different areas may use different digits.

Normal German Whispers, Renban, Arrow, Kropki and XV rules apply (no negative restrictions).

  • Adjacent digits along a green line must differ by at least 5.
  • A pink line contains a set of consecutive numbers, in any order. (In green, there are two separate lines that cross)
  • Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the arrow's circle.
  • Cells separated by a black dot contain digits in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Cells separated by an X contain digits that sum to 10.


Solution code: Row 4 (9 digits) followed by Row 7 (9 digits), no spaces

Solved by Myxo, Lorff, Steven R, fjam, bigger, wooferzfg, tuturitu, EmperorAugustus, mathpesto, by81996672, h5663454, ademjaz, DVFrank, zlotnleo, Snookerfan, bansalsaab, Vebby, Dentones, Mrtn, Askloomok, ... dogfarts, Nylimb, lars, Niverio, cdwg2000, Xendari, Bjd, Studernaldo, loigor4, DillyK, MrQubo, lerroyy, Uhu, Felis_Timon, flozza, zeneszerzo, Jodelbanane, ZornsLemon, tess, Boh, Jdt112, lmdemasi
Full list


on 15. January 2023, 15:54 by Kafkapharnaum
Usually I'm content to just watch the CTC features like I would a series where I don't know what's coming, but after playing mathpesto's excellent Samurai Sandwiches puzzle, that one was just waaay too tempting, and I'm glad I did! :D And it's crazy to think you set this during a speed setting competition!

on 15. January 2023, 13:54 by Klausku
Amazing construction, getting a single solution from 4 non-unique minis. Some very nice logic. Thanks.

on 14. January 2023, 22:38 by Perladel
Very enjoyable puzzle! Honestly not even that hard even if the ending requires some thinking

on 14. January 2023, 22:17 by DiMono
Well this is certainly more difficult than mine, but I still think it's not overly hard. A very nice construction. Congratulations on the CTC feature!

Last changed on 12. January 2023, 22:50

on 12. January 2023, 21:06 by KyleBaran
Havent done minis before. I see a length of 9 cells in a few places. Does that guarantee a unique set of 9 digits, or do squares simply not see eachother?

- Hi! The five 4x4 grids can be viewed as separate puzzles that only interact through the 8 cells that they share where the grids overlap. Hope that answers your question and good luck!

on 12. January 2023, 13:47 by marcmees
Nice. Thanks. solves very smooth. Not as hard as commented below.

on 12. January 2023, 05:31 by KNT
This puzzle shows a whole new dimension to "mean minis". Thanks Jay

Last changed on 11. January 2023, 16:29

on 11. January 2023, 10:32 by slowbiex
tough but amazing!

- Thank you, happy you liked it!

Last changed on 11. January 2023, 16:26

on 10. January 2023, 16:07 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle! Thank you

- Thank you, much appreciated!

Last changed on 10. January 2023, 09:17

on 10. January 2023, 02:30 by mathpesto
Very clever puzzle! It was a challenge, but super fun :)

- Glad to hear, always hard to estimate the difficulty so I'm happy it has an official rating now! Thanks for the nice comment!

Last changed on 10. January 2023, 09:13

on 9. January 2023, 17:32 by Myxo

- Thank you!

Rating:96 %
Solved:78 times
Observed:7 times

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