Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 1. January 2023, 17:41 by Fafrd)


Draw nine non-overlapping 3x3 boxes, and place the digits 1-9 in each box. Digits cannot repeat in a row or column. Cells outside the boxes should remain empty. Digits within a cage must sum to the given total. Orthogonally adjacent digits can never be consecutive, be in a 1:2 ratio, sum to 5, or sum to 10.



This puzzle is fairly hard, but these mini puzzles should make it approachable, they will help if you get stuck.

Hint puzzle 1:


Hint puzzle 2:


Solution code: Row 6 (ignoring blank cells)

Solved by Xalothros, h5663454, ysbg123, Dentones, DVFrank, Myxo, JennaStella, drbs, Yawnus, Jaych, Gregory, jkuo7, Lavender Gooms, Bjd, alwaysbcoding, apiyo, Chishiri, Deathranger999, juventino188, SSG, ... Drawoon, MaxSmartable, puzzeenjoyer, akamchinjir, Oripy, lmdemasi, TheGreyBrewer, lpq29743, Noxy78, AsgarArn, han233ing, Jdt112, saulg39, dpatti, TheNineElements, perchik, mihel111, GoldenGod
Full list


on 17. January 2025, 06:30 by fellanh
I feel like this this puzzle has multiple unique solutions. Could someone confirm? I found a solution by putting the 2 and 9 in the cage.

Last changed on 5. December 2024, 12:26

on 5. December 2024, 12:22 by TheNineElements
Solve Time: 63:29

I rated this 4/5 difficulty.

This puzzle is genuinely astonishing. Such a cool combination of rules. I spent about 15-20 mins figuring out the 3*3 cage logic and all possible cases, and quickly understood how to use the cage. That was probably 2-3/5 difficulty. It was very nice to see how the rules all restricted boxes to really only 1 possible arrangement, with mirroring & rotation subcases.

The difficult part for me was figuring out which case was valid for box 9 (bottom right) was valid. That was probably 4-5/5 difficulty for me. Looking back it should have been obvious, but during the solve it took me quite a while to understand what was going on.

Once I could place the boxes, rest of puzzle was very straightforward. Determining which subcases could work for each of the boxes was easy (1-2/5 difficulty)

Very cool puzzle - I still am shocked that such a simple ruleset can create a unique deconstruction sudoku that is actually feasible to find by a human.

on 15. March 2023, 22:42 by wisty
I love love LOVE the inclusion of mini-puzzles that teach you the main puzzle. I really appreciate when puzzles can teach themselves (grkles' sadism is a good example of this with the top three boxes being somewhat approachable) but when the main puzzle has such a minimal grid this is such an elegant way to do it. Thank you for putting this together!

on 25. February 2023, 03:32 by HalfBakedLunatic
@Fafrd - absolutely wonderful puzzle, thank you! When I saw the solve on Cracking The Cryptic, my first thought was "this solution path would work with Magic Squares as well" ... so I've posted a "Variation on a Theme" based on your puzzle (full kudos and credits to you): https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000D3C

on 16. February 2023, 18:10 by OGRussHood
This puzzle is mad.

on 16. February 2023, 02:56 by BMEP
Very nice puzzle! I'm amazed that it works! Not that hard, tho…

on 16. February 2023, 00:06 by apiyo
It feels unjust that this didn't get a higher rating. Even though the logic boils down to a fairly uncomplicated end game, it's amazing that you thought of this idea and found such a minimalist starting point. Well done Fafrd!

on 3. January 2023, 02:08 by drbs
The mini puzzles are helpful. At first I was wondering what the second one might be good for, but it became clear later. Sometimes I need to think for a long time to realize something is obvious.

Last changed on 2. January 2023, 23:49

on 2. January 2023, 23:47 by JennaStella
Really clever puzzle - loved the entire concept! I also really liked the 2 hint puzzles which you provided as they helped me both understand the logic more and come to a solution quicker than I think I would have otherwise done, therefore making the main puzzle more enjoyable :)

on 2. January 2023, 17:33 by DVFrank
Very cute! :^)

Rating:93 %
Solved:108 times
Observed:9 times

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