Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bibbidi Boo?

(Published on 25. December 2022, 21:02 by KevinTheMH)

Merry Christmas!! This is... idk... an elf maybe (looks a bit strange comparing to other elves)? that just came to my bedroom and asked for a portrait :/

Normal sudoku rules apply

German whisper rules apply: adjacent digits on the green line must differ by at least 5

Kropki dots rules apply: digits connected by a black dot must have a ratio of 1:2





Solution code: Row 4 and column 7

Last changed on on 26. December 2022, 00:02

Solved by Megalobrainiac, ViKingPrime, SKORP17, OhHeyGuysItsMax, AN_not_IO, Leonard Hal, pepe74287, butch02, Dentones, mcc, Perladel, bansalsaab, mitch.keeping, henrypijames, erml, Notlob, by81996672, Hazem-77, Corey115, AvonD, laky, Uhu, ManuH, jhuijts, Zzzyxas, PippoForte, karen_birgitta
Full list


on 27. December 2022, 21:17 by erml
Uff, tricky!

on 27. December 2022, 15:42 by Perladel
Approachable opening, but then I struggled a bit.
Anyway very fun puzzle and Merry Christmas!

on 26. December 2022, 00:02 by KevinTheMH
Merry Christmas!

Rating:87 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle variant New

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