Background: Having enjoyed many Cracking The Cryptic videos, in particular with new rule sets, I hope that combining Sudoku and musical notation provides a fresh perspective. This is my debut puzzle as a setter. I hope you like it, please let me know!
Puzzle links: Play on CTC SudokuPad (including solution check) or f-puzzles.
Rules: Score the first two bars of the Piano Sonata No. 16, K. 545, I. Allegro, right hand, by W. A. Mozart, i.e., the title music of the YouTube channel "Cracking The Cryptic". You may have to transpose the piece such that it starts with a different note than the original but preserves all pitch changes:
Normal Sudoku rules apply in the puzzle grid shown below. Digits on an arrow sum to the number in the attached circle. Odd rows mark the staff lines and even rows the spaces of a music sheet in treble clef, i.e., "g" is in R7. Whenever 1 is above 2, 4, 8, or 6, with no more than two cells in between, this marks a note of length 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, or 1/16, respectively, with 1 indicating the tip of the stem and the even digit the notehead and thus the pitch.
If 1 appears above several even digits, only the closest is considered, e.g., C3R1=1, C3R2=3, C3R3=4, C3R4=8 is a quarter "d". If a column does not contain a note, it marks a rest. Whenever a notehead and its right neighbor contain digits in a 1:2 ratio in any order, this leads to a ("Kropki") dotted note (not marked in the initial grid), increasing the length of the (left) note by half its value.
The first two columns may be used for sharp signs to select the key signature: two sharps if C1R1=4 and C2R4=4 (where "4" resembles the sharp symbol); one sharp if C1R1=4 and C2R4 is not 4; no sharps if C1R1 is not 4. There are no flats. A rest before the first note occurs if and only if there is a sharp in that column.
The puzzle:
Example: In the following partially filled grid, the horizontal gray lines are just guides to the eye indicating the staff line positions and fulfilling no other functional purpose. You may also draw them into the puzzle if this helps. The entered digits represent the score at the top as the red arrows show.
Solution code: Row 2 (from left to right)
on 23. December 2022, 07:51 by Tobias Brixner
Slightly adjusted the last sentence of the rules, following a solver comment, to make instructioncs clearer. This does not affect the logic.