Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

ADVENTSKALENDER - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle

(Published on 20. December 2022, 14:35 by DocLogic)

Merry Christmas!

The puzzle consists of 24 fields, with 4 rows and 6 columns.

Preface: No letter touches an adjacent letter of the complete alphabet on an edge or corner. Same letters and fields with consecutive figures also don't touch each other.

1. In the solution are all 15 letters of ADVENTSKALENDER and the figures from 1 – 9 once each.

2. In at least 3 corners are different letters of ADVENT.

3. In field 6 as well as in all 4 adjacent fields are different letters of NIKOLAUS.

4. In the fields 21 – 24 are 4 different letters of BESCHERUNG.

5. In field 8 is a letter of SCHOKOLADE.

6. In every column with figures, the sum is the same. The sum of the figures in fields 1 and 4 is 14.

7. The field with the "4" touches at least one field with an "A".

8. Only one of the two following statements is true: In column 2 are only letters. The sum of the field index numbers of both "D" is 9.

9. Only one of the two following statements is true: The sum of the field index numbers of both "A" is 24. The sum of the field index numbers of "L" and "V" is 24.

10. Only one of the two following statements is true: The "7" is in a corner field. The "9" is directly above another figure.

11. Only two of the four following statements are true: The sum of the field index numbers of the 3 "E" is 36. The "3" is in column 4. The "V" is in row B. Somewhere an "N" is directly above a "D".

Solution code: the 8 fields of columns 2 and 4

Solved by SKORP17, SAMT, AnnaTh, Hippologicus, drolli38, Ragna, janedoe, myothername, Nr.2, CH-Resi, Teck, Tiffy011, misko, Dotty, ManuH, brimmy, zuzanina, ildiko, Zzzyxas, Katchoo, geronimo92, Mark Sweep, Logixy, Nothere, hra2065, Nensche777, ffricke, Krokant, Lara Croft, Lili Lavender, KerstAn, yellow
Full list


on 2. December 2023, 18:32 by Lili Lavender
SUPER RÄTSEL, passend zur Adventszeit :-)! Hat mir MEGA gefallen und ist schön knifflig, DANKE!

on 14. March 2023, 21:23 by Logixy
Ein weiteres tolles Rätsel, danke!

on 24. December 2022, 11:46 by CH-Resi
Schönes Rätsel und ganz gut machbar. Eine knifflig-tolle Einstimmung auf die Festtagszeit. Vielen herzlichen Dank!

Rating:96 %
Solved:32 times
Observed:2 times

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