Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Color Galaxies (12x12)

(Published on 17. December 2022, 02:09 by Ambrose)


Spiral Galaxies: Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must contain exactly one white dot and have 180° rotational symmetry around the dot.
Colors: Each region must be colored red, green, blue, or yellow. Some cells’ colors are given. Two regions of the same color may not touch along an edge.

Play online:

Penpa+ Link
Penpa+ Link with color blind clues

Acknowledgments: This puzzle was set in celebration of Niverio’s birthday. The rule set was borrowed from Crispy16 (but no chaos/suguru, just the galaxies). Thanks, please enjoy!

Solution code: Row 5 left to right (b=blue, g=green, r=red, y=yellow, all lowercase).

Solved by Leonard Hal, Dermerlin, Phistomefel, saskia-daniela, kjholt, Mark Sweep, jessica6, dodomos, bernhard, SudokuExplorer, AnalyticalNinja , Raistlen, Niverio, MaizeGator, abed hawila, sloffie, hopppe, ... NIGHTCRAULER, Felis_Timon, Linnce, abadx, kp0hyc, silent492, uvo, zorant, moss, jkuo7, Bellsita, trashghost, abcolb, fstilus, dogfarts, puzzeenjoyer, dan19, aliciaprobably, TheZwierz, Calesch
Full list


on 18. July 2024, 06:27 by puzzeenjoyer

on 5. April 2023, 18:21 by verytrashpanda
awesome puzzle :)

on 23. March 2023, 18:35 by Drawoon
The solution code says "all lower case" but upper case works too.
Oh, and fun puzzle btw :)

on 17. January 2023, 02:34 by Nell Gwyn
Loved it! I'm a sucker for both of these puzzle types.

on 7. January 2023, 11:05 by Rollo
A very nice puzzle, I really like galaxies!
By the way: you should better not mention 'all lowercase', because all letters are automatically converted to upper case when solvers enter solution codes. This could be irritating when entering a wrong solution.
From 'hints' under 'Create a new puzzle':
Solution codes may only contain letters, digits, and the following special characters: ! $ % & / ( ) = + - * # ~ < > |. All letters are automatically converted to upper case, and illegal characters are stripped from the solution code. (The same thing happens when solvers enter solution codes!)

Rating:91 %
Solved:61 times
Observed:6 times

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