Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

15-year-old killer sudoku

(Published on 10. December 2022, 19:44 by checkered_duck_dani)

15-year-old killer sudoku

This one is extra tricky! good luck and enjoy ❤️❤️


1. Normal Sudoku rules apply.

2. Cells with an "X" must sum to 10.

3. Normal thermometer rules.
(numbers are allowed to repeat on thermometers).

4. Arrows outside the grid are little killer clues.
Among each little killer clue, numbers have to repeat whenever they can.

Example: Click here to see an example

► Play Link: Play Link

► The Puzzle:

► Author: Dani Checkered Duck.
► Date: 09/12/2022.
Follow me: Dani Checkered Duck

► Did you enjoy 15-year-old killer sudoku?
let me know in the comments :)

Solution code:

Enter Column 6 and Row 6.

Last changed on on 12. December 2022, 07:38

Solved by OhHeyGuysItsMax, SKORP17, efnenu, StefanSch, butch02, PippoForte
Full list


on 12. December 2022, 07:38 by checkered_duck_dani
The error is NOW Corrected!
thanks to Skorp & Max for pointing it out.

Last changed on 12. December 2022, 07:34

on 12. December 2022, 07:33 by checkered_duck_dani
thathint is not needed untill the end of the puzzle,
glad that i didnt missplace an early one instead!

on 11. December 2022, 23:34 by StefanSch
How can you solve a puzzle with a wrong hint?

Last changed on 11. December 2022, 03:39

on 11. December 2022, 03:39 by checkered_duck_dani
thank you all for the feedback ♥️ i will fix that error ASAP

on 11. December 2022, 02:10 by Ragna

on 10. December 2022, 22:56 by SKORP17
genau, das X in Reihe 7 muss um eine Stelle nach rechts versetzt werden

on 10. December 2022, 22:10 by OhHeyGuysItsMax
I think there's an error in the sudoku, it seems to be broken, however if you were to move the x in r7c3/4 right by one cell it would be fine

Solved:6 times
Observed:7 times

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