Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Magical Gift Delivery

(Published on 14. December 2022, 05:00 by Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers on green lines are at least 5 apart from their neighbors on the line. Numbers may repeat on green lines. Numbers on purple lines are a non-repeating set of consecutive numbers, in any order. Numbers in cages sum to the number in the top left corner of the gage. Numbers with an X between them sum to 10. Numbers with a V between them sum to 5. Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Not all possible X, V and dots are given.


Solve on CTC

Solution code: Row 2 and column 9.

Last changed on on 14. December 2022, 06:54

Solved by StopAndChat, ananth, flaemmchen, jalebc, apendleton, Greg, Megalobrainiac, dodomos, Nairi, Chelo, cegie, Wlam, Zenryo, Matti64, ThibautV, Cypher, achim-t, h5663454, DarrenBurnett, LehanLehan, dskaff, ... mjozska1985, louie.lly, tolley, pms_headache, MaciekZ, Baconator, likeagrapefruit, puzzledcoop, NemoBlub, cloudy8, sappho, twelvefour, Fustrate, ashekke, GreyPoupon, morgannamodeaura, Aran-Fey
Full list


on 5. September 2024, 04:58 by garycblack
SudokuPad solution link:

on 20. August 2023, 19:58 by silent_rob
Thanks very much - really enjoyed this puzzle!

on 5. July 2023, 00:45 by Nebu
Nice puzzle; solved in just over 20 minutes.

on 11. January 2023, 17:05 by MarthaB
Great puzzle. Thank you.

on 10. January 2023, 00:26 by bryanfrobs
Fun puzzle with a beautiful presentantion. Thanks for the puzzle.

on 4. January 2023, 02:22 by RussKozerski
Thanks for another enjoyable puzzle.

on 26. December 2022, 19:03 by SilentMike
Wonderful solve! Loved the 3D artwork and clever interactions

on 19. December 2022, 21:47 by anyeyeball
Thanks! This was a fun puzzle. Very seasonal!

on 16. December 2022, 21:34 by Orpheus
This was so fun and approachable. I feel like it's much harder to make a great sudoku that is easy than one that is difficult. Thanks for the puzzle!!!

on 15. December 2022, 01:22 by ischaid
Really enjoyed this! Love that you managed to achieve the 3d effect with a fun route to the solution!

on 14. December 2022, 15:16 by the_fow_fow
Nice puzzle. Thank you.

Last changed on 14. December 2022, 14:27

on 14. December 2022, 09:58 by asp1310
Out of simple curiosity, why is the 5 cage in box 4 not a V?

Hello @asp1310, Originally, I wanted to have 4 fully developed cubes for gifts. However, after several days of trying, I chose to have part of the gifts not shown. If you will notice, the gifts are partially "hidden" by the cages, which allows me to say that the gift delivery is in progress, like they are in the middle of appearing to you. The 5 cage is partially obscuring the top left gift. Some of the gifts will be my next puzzles, after you opened them. 8-) Peace to you. -Will Power

on 14. December 2022, 07:51 by flaemmchen
Hübsche Geschenke :-)

Rating:93 %
Solved:462 times
Observed:17 times

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