Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Trickle Down

(Published on 27. November 2022, 12:38 by steelwool)

Trickle down economics definitely does NOT work. However, what about trickle-down Sudoku?
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
White dots link 2 cells whose numbers differ by one. Black dots link 2 cells with one number twice the other. The lines are German Whisper lines, with adjacent digits having a difference of at least 5.

Solve online at F-Puzzles
or CTC.

Solution code: Enter the digits from Row 3 followed by the digits from Column 7

Last changed on on 9. September 2024, 09:25

Solved by Ceedrich, Wlam, dodomos, Jagga, Raistlen, rcg, zorant, Nairi, MohitR, bergelfe, AlVinX, asver, AN_not_IO, LehanLehan, saskia-daniela, andyxuli, jalebc, Marcos, EL3CTR1CK, zuzanina, Megalobrainiac, ... SaladFork, Madoka42, cascadeshiker, faltenin, Montikulum, Flycatcher, Thomster, moss, Deivi55, augsod, k2u5as, Dez256, garycblack, apendleton, koiking, Spooof, morgannamodeaura, sorhead, bcreturnee
Full list


on 9. September 2024, 09:25 by steelwool
add CTC link (thanks Gary)

on 9. September 2024, 03:28 by garycblack
SudokuPad solution link:

on 12. March 2023, 17:32 by vaeon
Love getting out the crayons. Great flow.

on 29. November 2022, 19:17 by the_fow_fow
Very nice puzzle, thank you for sharing. I found the title quite humorous.

on 28. November 2022, 18:38 by sujoyku
Thank you for the nice puzzle, steelwool! The trickle of German whisper lines gives a nicely flowing solve.

on 28. November 2022, 05:41 by ostio456
great solve path

on 28. November 2022, 01:01 by peep50183
To answer the question in the description: yep, it works pretty well :)

Rating:93 %
Solved:208 times
Observed:12 times

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