Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Natural Born Killers / Natürlich geborene Mörder

(Published on 25. November 2022, 23:48 by Zombie Hunter)

Title: Natural Born Killers
Type: Irregular Sudoku
Link: CTC App link to Natural Born Killers Sudoku
Link: F-puzzles link to Natural Born Killers Sudoku
Variants: Look-and-Say, Little Killer, Killer Cages

In this puzzle, clues are given in the form of arrows and cages. The arrow clues can be Look-and-Say or/and Little Killers. The cage clues can be Look-and-Say or/and Killer Cages that CAN repeat digits.

0) Irregular Sudoku

  • 0.1) Place the digits 1 through 9 once each in every row, column, and region.
  • 0.2) Some candidates have been given. The final digit in the solution must be from one of the given candidates.

1) Look-and-Say

  • The number along an arrow or top left of a cage indicate how many of that digit are on the arrow or in the cage. e.g. 49 means exactly four 9's are on the arrow or in the cage.

2) Little Killer

  • 2.1) Digits along the indicated diagonal must sum to the total.
  • 2.2) Digits may repeat along the diagonal.

3) Killer Cages

  • 3.1) Digits in a killer cage add to the total in the top left.
  • 3.2) Digits CAN repeat in a cage.

Solution code: Please enter the 18 digits from Column 7 then Row 8.

Last changed on on 26. November 2022, 21:38

Solved by st.fualda, Elliott810, djorr, SKORP17, OGRussHood, Uhu
Full list


Last changed on 28. November 2022, 01:07

on 27. November 2022, 16:15 by djorr
Great puzzle for my 500th solve! A bit hard to scan but all very fair deductions and very fun :)

A Wonderful constraint that you have created. Very fun to set...eventually :) ~ZH

on 26. November 2022, 21:38 by Zombie Hunter
Added dashes for Derek!

Solved:6 times
Observed:7 times

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