Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Power Of The Three Knights

(Published on 17. November 2022, 06:10 by Tingo)

The Power Of The Three Knights

This is the second in my "Power of the Knights" series.

The entire series can be found here


Normal Sudoku Rules Apply

Any two cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.

White dots indicate consecutive digits. Black dots indicate digits of a ratio of 2:1 Not all dots are given.

All digits on a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.

Each thermometer represents a Knight. Each Knight has a rank of 1, 2, or 3, and each rank only appears once in puzzle. The value of the thermometer of the Knight equals 3^n where n is the rank of the Knight. Each Knight's rank must be determined by the solver.

The puzzle can be played at F-Puzzles here!

The puzzle can be played at CTC here!

Solution code: Row 1 followed by Column 2, no spaces

Last changed on on 7. December 2022, 07:30

Solved by flaemmchen, Dermerlin, nmmc123, m0rkoli, Gullie, jalebc, appleponycmh, slowbiex, Abdul the Killer, efnenu, JamesRM, SKORP17, TaeChi, jguer, Chelo, Banana, Luldreist , cegie, Megalobrainiac, Raywen, ... humaLautema, Isfan, Polytechnisch, latters176, annnz, renegade_duck, naggy, drifting, Terrapin, asii, morgannamodeaura, whtshername, nikhatt, Jrgamer4u, ACluelessBull, koiking, josemadre
Full list


on 3. November 2024, 21:58 by morgannamodeaura
i'm glad there was already a comment explaining what the "value" of a thermometer was, because i had no idea

on 1. May 2023, 02:31 by PinkNickels
For English, would make a lot more sense to say the "sum of digits on a thermo" instead of the "value" of the thermo. I was able to decipher that, but that wording was confusion. Other than that, nice, fun GAS.

Last changed on 5. March 2023, 04:05

on 5. March 2023, 00:29 by MarthaB
Fun puzzle. Solved the March 3 puzzle and learned of this series. Will give all these a try. Thank you.

- Thanks for playing. I hope you enjoy the series! - Tingo

on 21. January 2023, 13:31 by Myreque
I don't think the link to the series is working for anyone but you due to the last parameter "&suchort=meine" - it works well if you remove it. That is the case with all the puzzles in series as the link is the same on all the pages.

on 7. December 2022, 07:28 by Tingo
Added link to series of Power Of the Knight puzzles.

Last changed on 7. December 2022, 07:28

on 29. November 2022, 21:40 by Ambrosia
Had a lot of difficulty at the beginning because I made an assumption that the "rank" of the knights' thermometers equaled the bulb, but quite nice after that was sorted

- Thanks for playing! - Tingo

Last changed on 20. November 2022, 05:57

on 17. November 2022, 22:45 by sacklunch
Great puzzle, very interesting logic in the opening

- Thank you! - Tingo

Last changed on 20. November 2022, 05:57

on 17. November 2022, 14:33 by JamesRM
Lovely puzzle - borderline GAS but very enjoyable

- Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! - Tingo

Last changed on 20. November 2022, 05:56

on 17. November 2022, 07:39 by Gullie
Very easy, yet also very enjoyable puzzle. I think only 1 out of 5 for difficulty, but for many people I think it can be a great introduction to variant puzzle logic. This is one that I would recommend to people who want an approachable puzzle learning the interaction between thermos, kropki and knights move.

- Thanks for solving and thanks for the review! - Tingo

Rating:87 %
Solved:166 times
Observed:10 times

Standard puzzle Puzzle variant Math knowledge Chess

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