Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Trouble in Paradise

(Published on 17. November 2022, 02:32 by shinggaming)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Two cells separated by a knight's move or a king's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit. Cells connected by a white dot contain consecutive digits. All white dots are given.



Solution code: Row 5 and Column 5 (no spaces)

Last changed on on 18. November 2022, 19:30

Solved by OhHeyGuysItsMax, Raistlen, Domen19192, maxwork1113, jalebc, nmmc123, Dermerlin, cdwg2000, dskaff, doppelganger, jguer, marcmees, rpearl, flaemmchen, MB_Cyclist, shangchenxi123, jimblek, Matti64, ... radium, Koba, PinkNickels, moss, Kekes, Isfan, Eraelan, vexillophilia, rcg, ellamackmitch, latters176, annnz, Javier Rebottaro, Lodinn, Drawoon, Meghan29, morgannamodeaura, koiking, MysticMan
Full list


on 25. January 2023, 20:50 by telanae
Decent puzzle but quite easy, especially if you're a more skilled solver. Keep up the work!

on 23. January 2023, 12:00 by abadx
One comes to the solution just repeating patterns all along the puzzle. I was looking for something more original. A pity

on 18. November 2022, 19:30 by shinggaming
Updated tags

on 18. November 2022, 00:00 by sacklunch
Great puzzle, thank you!

on 17. November 2022, 11:36 by Dook
Thanks for setting!

on 17. November 2022, 10:21 by KyleBaran
I mean it's pretty easy, but it makes a great coffee break puzzle

Rating:83 %
Solved:169 times
Observed:10 times

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