Region Sum Lines
Inspiration for this type comes from Qodec.
Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Steven R!)
Apply classic sudoku rules.
For each line, digits on the line have an equal sum N within each 3x3 block it passes through. If a line passes through the same 3x3 block more than once, each individual line segment within that block sums to N separately. Digits may be repeated on lines.
Solution code: Row 2, followed by column 4.
on 18. November 2022, 18:40 by pin7guin
Was für eine geniale Konstruktion! Über den wunderschön komponierten Einstieg bin ich fast sofort gefallen. :-)
on 17. November 2022, 21:02 by Richard
I am very proud having constructed this RSL with only one line that has a single digit in one box. (That is what I dislike in general about this type; a lot of examples contain 'arrows in disguise'; that is what those single-cells in fact are - although I truly like arrow sudokus.)
So I tried very hard to make a RSL without such a one-cell-thing, but failed. It might be possible to construct one, but either the difficulty will explode, or there aren't any cells left without a line.
Instead of one-cell-lines I decided to place two givens that are necessary to get started; at least one of them is.
on 16. November 2022, 06:41 by Richard
Added tag and links for online solving. Thx Steven R!
on 16. November 2022, 02:25 by Steven R
Very nice, thanks Richard!