Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Regional Yajilin

(Published on 15. November 2022, 09:38 by kittyphon)

Rules: Shade some cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all the remaining cells. Numbered cages must contain the indicated amount of shaded cells.

Link for online solving (Penpa+)

Solution code: The number of shaded cells in each row, from top to bottom

Solved by Dandelo, polar, Raistlen, jhrdina, halftime, Mark Sweep, CHalb, Zzzyxas, Jesper, moeve, Statistica, Beanie, PixelPlucker, MagnusJosefsson, PulverizingPancake, saskia-daniela, sloffie, r45, adam001, ... Luigi, Onyx, CJK, Uhu, h5663454, zorant, misko, ManuH, rubbeng, karzym, Nusi, Joe Average, CahounCZ, JohnsonM, jkuo7, Kallor, Vasefire, ildiko, uvo, webato, ffricke, RobertBe, Greg, chrisbee2
Full list


on 16. November 2022, 16:16 by PixelPlucker
Nice theme!

on 15. November 2022, 18:12 by kittyphon
I see that other setters use regions:

but I think cages look nice too :)

on 15. November 2022, 15:03 by halftime
Yajilin is one of my favorites, but I'd never seen this variant before. Thanks for sharing!

Rating:90 %
Solved:49 times
Observed:3 times

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