Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Circumnavigation (Nurikabe Compass Fillomino)

(Published on 29. November 2022, 09:00 by Agent)

After solving MagnusJosefsson's incredible Compass Fillomino series, I felt compelled to experiment with that ruleset. The main puzzle is designed to showcase a particular interaction with Nurikabe rules, and illustrate just how powerful that interaction can be. I think the puzzle is moderately challenging, but the solution path isn't too long. I hope you will enjoy!


  • Standard Fillomino rules apply. That is, divide the grid into regions and enter into each cell the size of its region. No two regions of the same size may share an edge.
  • Shade some cells in the grid so that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected. No 2x2 area can be fully shaded.
  • Groups of orthogonally connected unshaded cells form islands, which do not touch orthogonally, but may touch diagonally.
  • Each island consists of a single region that doesn't include any shaded cells.
  • If there is an arrow in a cell, the region the arrow comes from must be an island. The number in the cell with the arrow equals the total number of cells belonging to the island that are in the direction of the arrow. Not all arrows are necessarily given.

Example Puzzle: Lake Trip (6x6)

Main Puzzle: Circumnavigation (10x13)

Solution code: Row 7 (from left to right) then column 9 (from top to bottom)

Last changed on on 5. December 2022, 21:27

Solved by ONeill, MagnusJosefsson, harrison, Vebby, polar, Franjo, KNT, Statistica, jessica6, Jesper, Niverio, PixelPlucker, Christounet, MaizeGator, filmore, Mark Sweep, jkuo7, widjo, Jaych, Myxo, Bellsita, StephenR, sth, lerroyy, misko, Piatato, karlmortenlunna
Full list


on 18. June 2023, 00:12 by Myxo
Awesome puzzle!

Last changed on 31. December 2022, 19:23

on 20. December 2022, 15:18 by Christounet
Don't know what was wrong with the first version, but this one is just fine ! Liked navigating around that grid. The endsolve was a little tricky but fair and interesting. Thanks !

-- Thanks Christounet! I'm glad the new version looked alright :)

on 5. December 2022, 21:28 by Agent
The original puzzle had major issues in the end-solve that I didn't catch during testing. I added a new version of the puzzle with an improved 2nd half.

Last changed on 5. December 2022, 22:13

on 1. December 2022, 13:41 by Niverio
Opening ideas are pretty cool! That ending felt pretty brutal though :) I might have missed something more logical but I effectively visualised / intuited my way there.

-- Thanks @Niverio! This is a fair criticism, I didn't notice the issues during testing. I modified the 2nd half of the puzzle.

Last changed on 5. December 2022, 22:10

on 29. November 2022, 23:05 by Statistica
Großartig und überraschend!

-- Danke @Statistica!

Last changed on 5. December 2022, 22:12

on 29. November 2022, 11:21 by MagnusJosefsson
Splendid! So nice to get a compass fillomino set by someone else to solve! The combination with Nurikabe works very well also.

-- Thanks @MagnusJosefsson! This makes me appreciate your Compass Fillomino series even more, I found it very challenging to find clues that work nicely and with a balanced solution path.

Last changed on 5. December 2022, 22:09

on 29. November 2022, 10:00 by ONeill
Very impressive construction, and some fresh enjoyable logic, thanks!

-- Thank you @ONeill!

Rating:93 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:3 times

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