Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Unknown Origin Family Photo

(Published on 14. November 2022, 03:39 by Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers on arrows sum to the number on the pill attached to that arrow. Numbers may repeat on arrows. Numbers with an X between them sum to 10, a V between them sum to 5, a white dot between them are consecutive, a black dot between them are in a ratio of 2:1. Not all possible X, V and dots are given. Numbers with a gray circle are odd. Yellow highlights are the cells not on arrows.


Solve on CTC

Solution code: Row 2 and column 2.

Solved by Corey115, nmmc123, ellipsisfinisher, Robintre, jalebc, Mr.CHEN, flaemmchen, Uhu, Matti64, maxwork1113, dskaff, shangchenxi123, Myreque, cegie, nordloc, kkli, SKORP17, VeTaurus, Gullie, MB_Cyclist, ... Kirra, Montikulum, PippoForte, juddimal, Carolin, SXH, martin1456, TroublesomeOrca, Dermerlin, metacom, Kekes, asii, fca.felix.sudoku, timww572, naggy, pollyparrot, abihummel, DozingSongbird, jklimp
Full list


on 3. April 2023, 15:02 by Kirra
A beautiful beautiful Puzzle though I really do really like almost all your puzzles. :) Thankyou Will Power

on 22. March 2023, 18:07 by Ragna
Unglaublich, dass dieses Wahnsinnsrätsel aufgeht! :-))
Dankeschön, Will!

on 29. January 2023, 20:11 by MarthaB
Another great Will Power puzzle. Great flow of logic and interconnection of all the parts (including the 3 shaded boxes). Thank you.

on 21. November 2022, 23:18 by chain.reader
Another lovely puzzle.

on 18. November 2022, 06:24 by kross
Another fun one, thanks!

Last changed on 14. November 2022, 08:44

on 14. November 2022, 07:01 by Mr.CHEN
So is the unknown origin series end in here? No 11?

@Mr.CHEN There are only 10 directions an arrow can leave a pill, so the maximum unique arrows you can possibly have from one pill is 10. However, I am looking for interesting ways to make more than 10 arrows with more than 1 pill. I am looking if 6 and 5 is interesting. Sometime, this form will become boring, so I need to find new things for the solver to discover. Thank you for your interest and support. -Will Power

@Mr.CHEN I see you did not solve my puzzle called "Kraken" yet. It is similar, but not intended to use the full grid count to solve. Let me know if you like that one. -Will Power

Rating:92 %
Solved:99 times
Observed:9 times

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