Doggo Adventure #6 [6x6]
(Published on 13. November 2022, 05:22 by waffles_the_dog)
This is my first attempt at a puzzle that has a forced solving path. The N-cages are a kind of hacky way to prevent resolution out of order. Intended difficult is around a 3/5.
- Place the digits 1 to 6 in the grid such that no digit repeats in any row, column, or box.
- Digits in thermometers must increase from the bulb to the tip.
- Digits in cages must sum to the same value as other cages with the same label
- Digits may not repeat within a cage
- Any two cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit (anti-knight)
Solution code: The digits along the bottom row of puzzle, with no spaces or punctuation
Last changed on on 14. November 2022, 21:25
Solved by tlgeotau, Greg, galium_odoratum, jalebc, DarrenBurnett, asver, SKORP17, sirkluckington, Jagga, Jordan Timm, kkli, Omnicole, Banana, peep50183, jguer, Raistlen, KatiBru, DetroitPiston, Megalobrainiac, ... Infernath, zrbakhtiar, flaemmchen, Tritium, abadx, jadezki, MB_Cyclist, Martini&Toto, MaxSmartable, geronimo92, rares495, Montikulum, Koba, mezkur7, annnz, latters176, Isfan, morgannamodeaura
on 5. December 2023, 22:41 by geronimo92
"Digits may not repeat in thermometer bulbs" Why does that part of the ruleset is in the sudokupad link and not on this page ???
on 18. November 2022, 12:12 by KyleBaran
I enjoyed it
Last changed on 14. November 2022, 21:27on 14. November 2022, 21:25 by waffles_the_dog
Eep, I screwed up the image of the puzzle. The CTC and f-puzzles links are correct. The original puzzle image was an earlier draft, many apologies for the confusion!
Thanks SKORP17 and Greg for telling me!
on 13. November 2022, 16:02 by SKORP17
dieses Rätsel ergibt so keine Lösung, der Link zu f-puzzles enthält das korrekte Bild
on 13. November 2022, 13:41 by galium_odoratum
That was more fun than I expected, what a nice treat!
on 13. November 2022, 10:40 by Greg
pictured puzzle doesn't match fpuzzle link, and pictured doesn't give correct solution code