Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

[Fog of War Series] 6.Self-Exclusion

(Published on 12. November 2022, 06:07 by AstralSky)

  • Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
  • Self-Exclusion Sudoku rules apply:
  • Digits in a cage may not repeat and must sum to its total (if given)at the top left corner(A killer cage cannot contain cells left of, or higher than the given sum). The digits that form a total cannot appear in that cage. There`re no overlapping cages.
  • Digits along the indicated diagonal(s) must sum to the total (if given).The digits that form a total cannnot appear on that diagonal. Digits may repeat on the diagonal if allowed by other rules.-s can represent any number and they`re don`t necessarily represent a same number. However, 2 digit numbers cannot start with zero.
  • Example: A cage with a sum of 11 cannot contain digit 1 , a diagonal with a sum of 34 cannot contain digits 3 and 4
  • ? can stand for any digit.

  • Note: I made a mistake during setting this puzzle which made the puzzle still solvable but generated a very unfair step. So,to avoid that part,you can keep in mind that the cage at R6C1 sum to 40
    Link: (Note: The sum in R4C1 is 36, R2C4 has a hidden given so you can`t enter pencilmarks into that cell)


Solution code: Row 1 then Row 8

Last changed on on 15. February 2023, 16:26

Solved by SKORP17, greenoil, FloH, Snookerfan, Edward1224, kjholt, ShaLaz, Jaych, wenchang, cdwg2000, GutenTag, chien2000gl, Chandelier, DiMono, faisalaak, amarins, Leonard Hal, aholst, bansalsaab, RSDenrai, ... taniabn, Saskia, Sliark, CutiePancake, jkuo7, Fago, Knorkyy, WvdWest, saskia-daniela, CrippledLamp, escutcheon, Buffalo44, Smoncko, Raistlen, Kekes, halakani, kowareta, morgannamodeaura, drrrr
Full list


on 15. February 2023, 16:26 by AstralSky
Added a note

on 21. November 2022, 00:58 by wenchang
Nice fog setting! Spoiler alert!

Last changed on 14. November 2022, 13:52

on 14. November 2022, 13:44 by AstralSky
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Added a given 20 sum cage to fix the potential illogical part.
Now the puzzle should be fully logical and require no more guessings.

on 13. November 2022, 19:21 by AstralSky
Deactivated to revisit the puzzle

Last changed on 14. November 2022, 13:46

on 13. November 2022, 08:14 by kjholt
I have absolutely loved these up to this point but I cannot see how this particular puzzle can be completed without guessing or at least bifurcating. I completed the puzzle but it doesn't really feel like I earned it; I had to guess several times just to move on (and I'd gotten past the break-in when I got stuck). While I certainly don't expect to solve every 5* puzzle on the site, this one felt incomplete. Maybe I just overlooked something (wouldn't be the first time). I would love to see someone solve this (maybe CTC) so I know what I missed. Regardless, I'll keep attempting these as long as you keep making them.

Thanks for the feedback! I posted this after I got feedback from a testsolver. I`ll deactivate it for a while and revisit it to see if there are illogical parts.
Update: Added a given sum for one givenless cage.

Last changed on 13. November 2022, 04:46

on 13. November 2022, 04:30 by greenoil
It seems the rule set did not clearly mention whether the digits form a total could be the same or not, i.e. Could a cage or diagonal total be 11,22,33,etc.
Moreover, the CTC system did not allow R2C4 to input any pencil mark in the fog.

Last changed on 12. November 2022, 16:36

on 12. November 2022, 16:35 by AstralSky
Added a note about the sum at R4C1 being 36

Rating:72 %
Solved:47 times
Observed:11 times


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