Normal sudoku rules apply
Solution code: Row 4 and Row 6
on 21. August 2024, 15:07 by ndsurgenor
Updated SudokuPad link to include solution check
on 13. November 2022, 16:21 by StefanSch
It was a hard journey, but I enjoyed it.
- Many thanks for taking the time to solve it :)
on 13. November 2022, 03:44 by cdwg2000
Very nice!
- Thanks for solving!
on 11. November 2022, 18:49 by gfoot
Great maths-centric puzzle, I found it hard at quite a few places due to the dual nature of the rules, like a truth/lie puzzle, but it was always possible to deduce my way through.
- Many thanks for solving; glad you worked your way through it!