They each belong in a cell a knight's-move from their current position.
Otherwise, normal Sudoku rules apply
Solution code: row 5 + row 6
on 25. September 2024, 14:06 by morgannamodeaura
interesting idea for a puzzle. wish i had known that each false given had a unique correct cell without looking in the comments; that would have been helpful.
on 30. December 2022, 10:43 by Chelo
That was very difficult, but greatly satisfying!.. Thank you @ATK for setting this original puzzle!..
Glad you liked it @Chelo. I should probably make some others with this rule set. -- ATK
on 2. November 2022, 20:21 by Abdul the Killer
No, that would be forbidden.
on 2. November 2022, 19:34 by vitaminz
zlotnieo (and anyone else confused, as I was), I solved it assuming that:
1. If a clue is in a cell, then that digit CANNOT be in that cell, even if otherwise allowed.
2. Each clue points to a unique correct digit - so in your example, no they could not both point to the same digit in r4c7.
on 2. November 2022, 19:07 by zlotnleo
Can the givens' real positions overlap, e.g. could the given 4s in r3c5 and r2c8 both belong in r4c7?