Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

VIP Lounge (Mean Mini Parity Party Sudoku)

(Published on 4. November 2022, 15:15 by Realshaggy)

Fill the grid with six different digits from 1 to 9, so that each used digit occurs exactly once in each row, column and boldly outlined 3x2-box.
Clues outside the grid give the sum of the digits up to (and including) the first even or up to (and including) the first odd digit from that direction. Single-digit clues may just give the first digit.

Penpa+ (with answer check)

This puzzle was part of Glum Hippo's Parity Party Puzzle Pack.

Solution code: Row 5, column 6.

Last changed on on 4. November 2022, 15:20

Solved by Qodec, Dandelo, Jesper, Vebby, lerroyy, efnenu, marcmees, Uhu, zuzanina, ildiko, bernhard, glum_hippo, Piatato, Counterfeitly, ManuH, OhHeyGuysItsMax, ffricke, zrbakhtiar, geronimo92, teuthida, Martini&Toto, pin7guin, Nebuzaradan, vmirandaa, jobs2554
Full list


on 16. November 2022, 12:55 by glum_hippo
very clever use of this rule set! People can find the Parity Party Puzzle Pack at https://tinyurl.com/HiPPPPack

on 5. November 2022, 10:10 by marcmees
nice. thanks.

on 4. November 2022, 20:53 by lerroyy
very fun puzzle!

on 4. November 2022, 15:49 by Qodec
That was fun, thanks!

Rating:97 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:10 times

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