==== LINKS ====
F-puzzles -
CtC app -
==== RULES ====
Normal Sudoku rules apply : fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing each exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 box.
Equalines : Digits along each grey line sum to the same unique value, to be determined by the solver. Digits can repeat along grey lines, if allowed by other rules.
Thanks to chord, grkles?, lerroy, Lightelder and Mad-Tyas for testing and giving feedback.
Solution code: Digits from Row 2 (left to right) followed by Row 8 (left to right). 18 digits, no space character.
on 6. November 2022, 21:47 by Zombie Hunter
This puzzle gave Sven's app quite the workout. Very enjoyable! A logical solve with no guessing required. My favorite kind of puzzle.
on 2. November 2022, 03:34 by Piatato
Cool puzzle!
on 1. November 2022, 18:44 by lerroyy
Great puzzle, thanks!