Normal sudoku rules apply.
Killer Cages: Digits within a cage must sum to the number in the upper left corner and cannot repeat. Additionally, all 2-cell cages which sum to 12 are given (ie no other 2 cells which are connected orthogonally sum to 12.)
Region Sums: The digits along a blue region sum line must have the same sum in each 3x3 box entered by the line.
German Whispers: Digits along the green line must have a difference of at least 5.
Little Killer: Diagonals marked outside the grid are the sum of the digits along that diagonal. Digits may repeat if allowed by other rules.
X-Sums: Digits outside a row or column give the sum of the digits in the first N cells, where N is the digit in the first cell in that row or column from that direction.
Thermometer: Digits along a thermometer must strictly increase from the bulb end.
Hope you enjoy!
Solution code: Row 4 followed by column 5 (18 digits)
on 21. September 2024, 12:16 by morgannamodeaura
the ctc link appears to be broken
on 23. July 2023, 02:52 by PinkNickels
I really enjoyed this, it flowed quite well for me and i was able to solve it rather quickly. how the heck do you guys keep coming up with these great puzzles??!! thank you
on 31. October 2022, 20:44 by Jorrr2
It looks like there are two shades of blue for the region lines, but it is barely visible
- I apologize for the different shades of blue, it was entirely accidental. I must have put in the wrong id for the blue I was using when adjusting the lines. I did not even notice they were different until I read your comment. My apologies.
-No problem, good to know there isn't any difference :)
on 31. October 2022, 07:40 by LehanLehan
Beautiful solve path,thank you very much
--Thank you for the comment, glad you enjoyed the puzzle!--
on 30. October 2022, 16:40 by Bother__
Fixed text