Point Blank
(Published on 30. October 2022, 01:04 by 10feet)
Point Blank
A non-consecutive arrow Sudoku
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each empty cell. Digits must not repeat within the same row, column, or box.
Orthogonally adjacent cells must not contain consecutive digits.
The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell. Digits may repeat along an arrow if permitted by other rules.
Solution code: Enter the digits of the 1st row left to right followed by the digits of the 5th column top to bottom.
Solved by cdwg2000, SKORP17, Greg, OutOfMyMindBRB, AvonD, Leonard Hal, Julianl, S4K, TaeChi, Jagga, brimmy, antiknight, ghosting, Corey115, terrible_casserole, by81996672, old thousand, butch02, AN_not_IO, ... Askloomok, Nickyo, HelloKetene, zorant, rey, zhergan, karen_birgitta, nmmc123, Kimyee, lovely, LadyShapeShifter, PippoForte, Onyx, Jodelbanane, morgannamodeaura, Zuka, lmdemasi, mezkur7, wang
on 30. October 2022, 01:43 by cdwg2000
Very nice! maybe 1.5-2/5.