Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 29. October 2022, 18:30 by Raumplaner)

The next puzzle from our free pack Layers of Entropy with 27 wonderfull puzzles from a variety of authors.


- Normal Sudoku rules apply.

- Entropic lines: Any set of three sequential cells along an entropic line must contain a low (1,2,3), middle (4,5,6), and high (7,8,9) digit. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by other rules.

- Odd-Even: Cells with a grey circle must contain an odd digit.

- Tic-Tac-Three: The central 3×3 block (box 5) serves as a map to the 9 corresponding boxes in the grid. Wherever box 5 contains a low/middle/high digit, the corresponding box must have three of that same entropic rank in one straight line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).

Example: If the top left cell of box 5 contains a 2, then in the upper left box (box 1), the three low digits must appear in a straight line.

Acknowledgment: This puzzle was inspired by Richard Stolk’s puzzle Tic Tac Toe Sudoku .



This is puzzle #21 from the series with JeremyDover on entropic lines.
previous puzzle (#20)
next puzzle (#22)

Solution code: Row 1 (from left) and column 9 (from top - 18 digits in total):

Last changed on on 5. November 2022, 17:37

Solved by LayLowe, sasheo, doppelganger, Krokant, SKORP17, pazqo, AvonD, fabianv, JeremyDover, britboy3456, First Citizen, MartinR, arachnid, ParaNox, Crul, wrightbr3, Askloomok, Jdt112, GUMBY92, h5663454, cdwg2000, Maroet, shangchenxi123, chain.reader, lovely, Mikemerin, LadyShapeShifter, gedorfpohm, Ulistef, Bconner5, Just me, DaleVandermeer, Clairitin, humaLautema, yusuf17, tgstar, lmdemasi
Full list


on 5. November 2022, 17:37 by Raumplaner
Added link to the next puzzle in the series.

Last changed on 3. November 2022, 12:56

on 3. November 2022, 08:24 by ParaNox
Ich kann nicht genau sagen, was es ist, aber Entropie-Linien sind wirklich meine absolute Lieblingssudokuvariante.
Da begebe ich mich dann auch mal gerne aus meiner Wohlfühlzone der 1*-2*-Puzzles. :D Gerade deine haben mich auch noch nie enttäuscht, deswegen wollte ich mich mal für deine Arbeit bedanken.

Mochte das Ende tatsächlich sehr. Wenn ich die Zielgerade quasi schon erahnen kann, bin ich immer extra motiviert. Vielleicht spricht da ein wenig der Trotzkopf aus mir, aber mich persönlich befriedigen Puzzles am meisten, die zum Ende hin plötzlich nochmal herausfordernder werden. :D
Vielen lieben Dank für den ausführlichen Kommentar. Hat mich sehr gefreut:) (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 30. October 2022, 01:39

on 30. October 2022, 00:31 by Krokant
Richards Tic-Tac-Toe hat mir gefallen, die Variante gepaart mit Entropie funktioniert ebenfalls gut. Spaßig. :)
Danke schön:) (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 30. October 2022, 01:38

on 29. October 2022, 21:52 by LayLowe
Took me just over an hour, but there was always something to be discovered, just had to find it ;-) Loved it. The ending is indeed tricky. Thanks for setting and sharing!
Many thanks! Glad you enjoyed. (Raumplaner)

on 29. October 2022, 18:32 by Raumplaner
Note: This puzzle has a tricky but completely logical ending.

Rating:95 %
Solved:37 times
Observed:14 times

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