Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Find the Key to Break In

(Published on 21. November 2022, 06:02 by Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers with a V between them sum to 5. Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Numbers with a black dot between them are in a ratio of 2:1. Not all V and dots are given.


Solve on CTC

Solution code: Row 9 and column 2.

Solved by cdwg2000, msbjowmx1, nmmc123, gonzalez87, metacom, jalebc, doppelganger, Megalobrainiac, 1277885105, emwmasu, ananth, Mr.CHEN, Cypher, Guillem98, Dermerlin, Ceedrich, kross, antzervos, ... elpizw, augsod, Enterprize1, TheGreyBrewer, phs, vexillophilia, Nayrolf, YumiLyx, lune, mmhhhh, r0the, Joo M.Y, stefhoer, RickiFerrara, Jowser, DozingSongbird, jklimp, FireRide, Kachow, gollum999
Full list


on 27. February 2024, 18:02 by Virux
Nice and quick!

on 24. June 2023, 17:04 by McParland57
Very enjoyable

on 22. June 2023, 01:28 by RussKozerski
What do you use to open a Haunted House? A spoo-key.
Why didn't the car key fit in at the party? She was too door-key.
Why is it difficult to open a piano? Because all the keys are on the inside.
And just for the record, car keys are real jerks. They're always trying to start something.

Thanks for another fun puzzle Will Power. Very enjoyable.

on 16. January 2023, 03:32 by MarthaB
Nice puzzle. I enjoyed solving it. Perfect name for this puzzle.

on 17. December 2022, 18:25 by zrbakhtiar
As always from Will Power

on 21. November 2022, 17:08 by JR_pianoman
Easy construction, but rewarding solution path.

on 21. November 2022, 14:17 by andyxuli
Very nice approachable puzzle!!!

Rating:86 %
Solved:358 times
Observed:10 times

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