Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 27. October 2022, 13:39 by Dathan)

This is my seventh puzzle, Pieces. Hope you enjoy!


- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Antiking + Antiknight: Cells separated by a king's move or knight's move in chess must not contain the same digit.
- Killer: Digits must not repeat within a cage.
- Little killer: Clues outside the grid give the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits may repeat along such diagonals.

Solve it on f-puzzles | Solve it on CTC (Includes solution)

Solution code: Row 5

Last changed on on 27. October 2022, 16:46

Solved by Steven R, Gullie, belfieldtj, OutOfMyMindBRB, cegie, mihel111, slowbiex, AdamGaffney96, majestic spork, saskia-daniela, ecwyne, elephant_in_the_room, Arlo Lipof, SKORP17, efnenu, cfop, Luzju04, ... MaxSmartable, mezkur7, Drewpacabra, asii, whitefox, VFRIP, atomvic, ClarityC, Kekes, Lodinn, Koba, Martini&Toto, annnz, EmX68, galium_odoratum, morgannamodeaura, haaksema, elloschmello, forsen
Full list


on 11. February 2024, 19:36 by whitefox
Great puzzle! I had a lot of fun colouring everything :)

on 29. October 2022, 19:31 by Dathan
Thanks Swafnan!

And @chain.reader :D

on 29. October 2022, 18:39 by Swafnan
I really enjoyed the solve. Thank you very much.

on 29. October 2022, 12:15 by chain.reader
make coffee: 2 minutes
colour puzzle: 10 minutes
do math in the morning before finishing coffee: 1 hour...

on 28. October 2022, 23:17 by Dathan
Thanks farodin64, sacklunch, Calvinball and Dook! :)

on 28. October 2022, 14:15 by Dook
Thanks for setting it, I enjoyed it very much

on 28. October 2022, 04:08 by Calvinball
Fun puzzle! Excited to see what you come up with in the future.

on 28. October 2022, 01:47 by sacklunch
Very fun, thank you @Dathan!

on 27. October 2022, 22:50 by farodin64
One colouring the day keeps the boredom away :-)

on 27. October 2022, 21:34 by Dathan
Congrats Arlo Lipof and thanks Wessel Strijkstra!

on 27. October 2022, 18:44 by Wessel Strijkstra
Nice puz :)

on 27. October 2022, 17:08 by Arlo Lipof
I solved it, but I still can’t believe it! ;-)

on 27. October 2022, 16:47 by Dathan
Thanks belfieldtj, mihel111 and AdamGaffney96! :)

on 27. October 2022, 16:46 by Dathan
Added 'Non-Touching' tag. Couldn't find it earlier because I looked for antiking.

on 27. October 2022, 15:12 by AdamGaffney96
Love this as a break-in, always love a bit of colouring in so this was right up my alley! The main disambiguation is very nice as well, very clever and approachable puzzle.

on 27. October 2022, 14:57 by mihel111
Nice colouring training. Thx

on 27. October 2022, 14:28 by belfieldtj
I love colouring!! A very enjoyable puzzle - many thanks.

Rating:93 %
Solved:153 times
Observed:12 times

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