Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Position Sums Fillomino #3: Internal Clues

(Published on 26. October 2022, 12:59 by ONeill)

This puzzle uses the same ruleset as the previous two but with the added twist that there are clues inside the grid. I recommend solving the previous two before doing this one. I hope you enjoy!

For reference, this grid is 16x16 with the two clue rectangles missing. If you think anything needs clarifying feel free to message me on discord or leave a comment.


1. Divide the grid into regions so that no two regions of the same size share an edge. Enter a number into each cell equal to the size of its region.

2. Let A and B be the digits in the first and second cells of the grid from any direction
a) Unshaded clues outside the grid indicate the sum of A and B
b) Shaded clues indicate the sum of the digits in positions A and B from that direction. Note that it is possible that A and B index the same cell. If A and B index the same cell, the sum is twice the value of the cell they index.

3. If a clue is circled, the cells that are part of its sum belong to the same region. If a clue is not circled, the cells that are part of its sum belong to different regions.

4. A question mark can stand for any positive integer (including 2-digit numbers).

5. Internal clues on the left side index towards the right and vice versa. The cell orthogonally adjacent to the clue in the direction of indexing is considered position 1 for the purposes of the Ath+Bth clue. For example, if r5c7 is a 10, it is indexing r5c16. If r7c10 is a 2, it is indexing r7c9.

6. In directions where there are shaded Ath+Bth clues, cells that lie outside of the grid or within the internal clue rectangles may not be indexed. Eg. 6 or 17 are not allowed in r1c11, but they are allowed in r1c5.

The puzzle:

Penpa+: Position Sums Fillomino #3: Internal Clues

Answer check is enabled with digits or green edges.

Solution code: Row 3

Last changed on on 26. October 2022, 16:40

Solved by Vebby, MagnusJosefsson, Jesper, polar, jkuo7, Christounet, marcmees, ascension, kjholt, Mark Sweep, filuta, Agent, Niverio, cdwg2000, meixia, cmb, h5663454, pandiani42, lerroyy, Asphodel, Paletron, dunder, Uhu, ManuH
Full list


on 13. March 2023, 06:13 by h5663454
I love this series of puzzles and hope to see more.: )

Last changed on 19. November 2022, 17:49

on 19. November 2022, 17:49 by Niverio
Magnus' effect is strong on this one :P Fascinating stuff.

on 18. November 2022, 05:07 by Agent
Very nice! This may sound crazy due to the size of the grid, but I actually found it quite smooth. But for a moment, I thought I broke it at the very end, which was a bit scary.

on 15. November 2022, 10:08 by filuta
another great one, probably hardest in the series. the internal clues are a nice twist, but one has to be careful not accidentally apply them from the wrong side.

Last changed on 28. October 2022, 19:34

on 28. October 2022, 19:24 by marcmees
A journey through an unexplored cave full of traps. Luckily, every time before it gets too dark too continue safely, the faintest of lights permits you to go on, cautious, not knowing what to expect next

on 27. October 2022, 22:04 by Christounet
Another great installment in this wonderful serie ! One thing that I particularly liked in this puzzle : after the first deductions of the break in, there's that rather "inoffensive" looking clue, that basically gives the real start to the big journey that will get you to the end of the puzzle. Well done and thanks !

Now you've definitely triggered some kind of addiction, so I'll be waiting eagerly for the next one...

on 26. October 2022, 23:33 by polar
Super enjoyable thanks!

on 26. October 2022, 21:08 by Jesper
These are so much fun, thanks ONeill!

on 26. October 2022, 14:43 by MagnusJosefsson
Another great puzzle! Very smooth and probably less difficult than #2 (at least after the initial break-in). Very enjoyable, thanks!

on 26. October 2022, 13:24 by Vebby
Superb! My favourite of your puzzles so far. Thanks ONeill :)

Rating:100 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:4 times

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