Standard sudoku rules apply.
Adjacent digits on golden clock lines differ by 2 or 7.
Equivalent distant digits on red anti-palindrome lines sum to 10.
Equivalent distant digits on violet weak palindrome lines match in Odd (13579) vs Even (2468) and in High (56789) vs Low (1234).
(Dots mark the mid-points of the palindrome lines.)
The grid is covered with fog. There is one initial 💡 light source that illuminates the darkness and clears the fog. Put correct digits into the cells to get more light (it's ok to put a digit into a cell that is covered by fog).
You have 5 lives to solve the puzzle. It takes 1 life to enter a wrong digit.
Note: no guessing is required to finish the puzzle. The extra lives are given only to allow room for possible typos.
To solve this puzzle, you must use (Sorry, due to the nature of the puzzle, no version printable on paper is possible.)Solution code: 18 digits, without spaces - row 9 from left to right, followed by column 9 from top to bottom.
on 4. November 2022, 13:26 by waibibabu
love it
on 29. October 2022, 15:39 by Pallando
Example of the weak palindrome rule, suggested by Dathan as being worth adding:
A "1" is low and odd, so it can match any digit that is also both low and odd: "1" or "3"
A "2" is low and even, so it can match any digit that is also both low and even: "2" or "4"
A "3" is low and odd, so it can match any digit that is also both low and odd: "1" or "3"
A "4" is low and even, so it can match any digit that is also both low and even: "2" or "4"
A "5" is high and odd, so it can match any digit that is also both high and odd: "5" or "7" or "9"
A "6" is high and even, so it can match any digit that is also both high and even: "6" or "8"
A "7" is high and odd, so it can match any digit that is also both high and odd: "5" or "7" or "9"
An "8" is high and even, so it can match any digit that is also both high and even: "6" or "8"
A "9" is high and odd, so it can match any digit that is also both high and odd: "5" or "7" or "9"
on 29. October 2022, 13:43 by Dathan
What a fun break-in and puzzle! The rules were a bit mind bending at the beginning but once I understood them the logic was very nice! Thank you
on 27. October 2022, 22:54 by Ragna
Jippiih! Ein Leben ist mir geblieben! Das muss reichen.
Vielen Dank für das wundervolle FOWy. :-))
on 27. October 2022, 06:19 by ordnanceordinance
Very fun solve. I think slightly easier than 3 stars. After the break in it flows pretty smoothly
on 26. October 2022, 17:19 by Pallando
Reihe --> Zeile
in the description of the solution code
on 26. October 2022, 13:58 by GutenTag
sehr gut
on 26. October 2022, 13:21 by Iluvsodah
Very original puzzle, and enjoyable solve. Give more !
on 26. October 2022, 12:32 by Raumplaner
Clever break-in and smooth solve. Good choice of constraints for a "FOW" puzzle.
on 26. October 2022, 10:47 by Pallando
Changed "Der Engel" to "The Angel", in response to feedback about a translation error I introduced.
on 26. October 2022, 10:24 by Pallando
Vielen Dank für die Übersetzung der Rätselregeln ins Deutsche an die vorbildliche Freundlichkeit von Raumplaner.
Thanks for translating the puzzle rules into German to the exemplary kindness of Raumplaner.
Wie immer liegt die Schuld für Fehler, HTML-Probleme, automatische Übersetzung dieser Kommentare und unklare Formulierungen von Regeln ausschließlich bei mir.
As always, blame for any errors, HTML problems, auto-translation of these comments, and unclear wording of rules belongs entirely with me.
Pallando#5273 on discord.
on 26. October 2022, 10:16 by Pallando
Der Name dieses Puzzles bezieht sich auf die Version ohne „Nebel des Krieges“, die „Mornington Crescent“ genannt wurde, nach einem Spiel, das auf BBC Radio 4 gespielt wurde und auf der Karte des Londoner U-Bahn-Systems basiert. Es bezieht sich auch auf das Buch „Neverwhere“ von Neil Gaiman und die Licht- und Dunkelheitsthemen, die es durchziehen.
The name of this puzzle is a reference to the non-'fog of war' version which was named "Mornington Crescent" after a game played on BBC Radio 4 based around the map of London's underground train system. It also refers to the book "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman and the light and darkness themes running through it.
on 26. October 2022, 10:15 by Pallando
Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, den Einstieg in dieses Rätsel zu finden, kann es hilfreich sein, zuerst drei einfachere Rätsel zu lösen, die auf jedem der Linientypen basieren
If you are having trouble finding the break-in to this puzzle, it may help to first solve three simpler puzzle based around each of the types of line.
Clock Lines (
Anti-Palindrome Lines (
Weak Palindrome Lines (
on 26. October 2022, 10:15 by Pallando
Für SCORP17 und andere, deren Computersicherheitssoftware die Domäne nicht mag, hier ein direkter Link zur Puzzle TV-Website
For the benefit of SCORP17 and others whose computer security software dislikes the domain, here is a direct link to Puzzle TV website: