Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 24. October 2022, 23:20 by Mad-Tyas)


Sudoku: Fill every row, column and 3x3 box with the digits 1-9.

Equalines: On each line the digits add up to the same total that has to be determined by the solver. Digits may repeat on a line if allowed by sudoku rules.

Have fun solving!

Sudoku on:

Solution code: Row 1 followed by column 1 (18 digits)

Solved by Greg, OutOfMyMindBRB, SKORP17, WedgeOfCheese, Kworb, Bjd, mobiustrip, zeecomoon, Lizzy01, davidjshort, AvonD, Piatato, StefanSch, Kabuki73, pepu273, galgamer, boriss, julien505, Zallo, Ryzen, tuckerbucket, Julianl, apendleton, KNT, PippoForte, laky, fca.felix.sudoku, Qodec, Mikemerin, gxorgx, by81996672, lmdemasi
Full list


on 1. April 2024, 14:41 by Qodec
Loved this!

on 23. February 2023, 20:09 by KNT
very clever logic after N is determined. enjoyed it a lot

on 26. October 2022, 15:50 by Kabuki73
Same here, N was easy but afterwards I got stuck few times not immediately spotting what to do next... nice puzzle!

on 25. October 2022, 20:09 by davidjshort
I found N rather quickly, but I enjoyed the many other quite interesting deductions along the way. Fun puzzle.

Last changed on 25. October 2022, 01:05

on 25. October 2022, 01:04 by OutOfMyMindBRB
Loved everything about this puzzle! Just the right touch of creative mad-ness :-)

Rating:91 %
Solved:32 times
Observed:12 times

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