CTC link: click here
Solution code: Row 3
on 21. August 2024, 16:17 by The Bard
The link to the clues is not working.
on 11. January 2024, 02:07 by theParad0x
Very cool idea. thanks for sharing
on 25. May 2023, 02:47 by SudokuLover
In rule 3 dym square?
on 9. May 2023, 15:35 by Hirrumi
on 26. April 2023, 20:26 by Hasheasy
Quite fun, took me too long but i enjoyed it!
on 31. December 2022, 12:17 by Mitsunari
Original one!!
on 20. December 2022, 12:35 by Dermerlin
There is a typo in the ruleset.
3.Cells marked with a grey circle are even
should be
3.Cells marked with a grey square are even
on 25. November 2022, 03:07 by CutiePancake
Very nice little puzzle, took me about 12 minutes.
Took about 12 minutes once I realised that "consecutive" was meant to mean orthigonally adjecent. The first time I got there, I read the clue as in R2C2 and R2C3 had to be consecutive ('digit' 5 and 6 as in counting the cells in the box) which wasn't an option at that point - restarted and later realised that what I had was in fact correct and I just didn't get the clue + it was a little bit weirdly phrased with the use of consecutive like that. Other than that, all good.
on 29. October 2022, 17:21 by LoverOfPi
Lovely :D
on 25. October 2022, 10:27 by Playmaker6174
Wow, very cool and fun idea for a puzzle even if it's a small one :)
on 24. October 2022, 21:14 by sacklunch
That was a fun idea, thanks!
on 24. October 2022, 20:06 by 97358Johnny
exquisite and easy
on 24. October 2022, 18:10 by cdwg2000
Wow,Nice idea!