Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 16. October 2022, 22:38 by Scruffamudda)

Normal sudoku rules apply for the 9 3x3 boxes.

Within the grid lies a single snake of orthogonally connected cells which begins in the top left 3x3 box and visits every box but does not touch itself (even diagonally). Snake cells contain single digit numbers which must not repeat in any row or column and adjacent numbers on the snake must differ by at least 5 (German whispers).

When moving out of a box the snake must take only 1 grey border cell (ie must not turn in the grey border region). (Numbers in grey border cells are not part of the 9x9 sudoku grid).

Digits placed on circles and squares show the number of snake cells in the surrounding (up to) 9 cells including the circle or square itself if it is on the snake. Circles contain odd digits, squares contain even digits.

Note: I recommend using pencil marks only in the grey border region to avoid setting off conflict checker.

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Solution code: row 1

Solved by polar, Selenotropism
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on 19. October 2022, 14:37 by polar
@h5663454 The rules made sense to me, as written. Perhaps you need to ask questions to help clarify your understanding of the rules. I'd be happy to help :)

Fun puzzle thanks!

Last changed on 19. October 2022, 19:48

on 19. October 2022, 13:27 by h5663454
Maybe you need to make some changes to the ruleset of the puzzle, or clarify the ruleset, or add examples.
Is there a specific question about the rules that I can clarify for you?
- Scruffamudda

Solved:2 times
Observed:13 times

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