Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Factory (Killer Sudoku without given cage sums)

(Published on 12. October 2022, 13:30 by Mad-Tyas)

I had great fun constructing previous killer sudokus with no given sums. With this new simple rule idea I made a new attempt.


Sudoku: Fill every row, column and 3x3 box with the digits 1-9.

Factorial Killer: In cages marked with a black dashed line digits must not repeat. Each cage must contain digits whose multiplication gives the sum of all digits in that cage.
Example: 2349 is a valid composition of a 4-cell cage cause the sum is 18 and with 2 and 9 there are digits in the cage whose multiplication gives 18, too.

Have fun solving!

Sudoku on:

Solution code: Row 5 followed by column 5 (18 digits)

Solved by cdwg2000, DVFrank, Dentones, AvonD, JayForty, StefanSch, Gryllulus, Blake Saligia
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on 13. October 2022, 01:08 by StefanSch
Genial konstruiert!

Last changed on 12. October 2022, 15:40

on 12. October 2022, 14:31 by DVFrank
Sehr schöne Variante! Hat mir gut gefallen! :^)

-Antwort: Vielen Dank! Freut mich sehr, dass es dir gefallen hat.

on 12. October 2022, 13:44 by DVFrank
Kleine Verständnisfrage: Muss es wie im Beispiel immer genau ZWEI Ziffern geben, die sich zur Summe multiplizieren oder darf es eine beliebige Auswahl sein?

Solved:8 times
Observed:9 times

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