Battlefield Killer - Bad GPS
(Published on 11. October 2022, 15:42 by DiMono)
Two nations went to war, but when their forces reached the battlefield they realized they were in the wrong place! Rather than fight it out anyway and ruin the perfectly manicured grass and landscaped flowers, both sides agreed to leave as peacefully as possible so they could meet up at the proper location some other day.
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Clues outside the grid are Battlefield clues. Consider the first X cells and the last Y cells of a row or column where X is the number in the first cell and Y is the number in the last cell. That is how far into the grid the armies in those cells marched. A clue outside the grid gives the sum of the digits where these groups overlap, or the sum of the digits in the gap between the groups if they don't overlap.
Digits in cages must sum to the total in the top left corner if given. In the row or column that entirely contains each cage, one army must fully cross the cage, and the other army may not enter it at all (otherwise they would be fighting, you see).
Solve on F-puzzles
Solve on CTC App

Solution code: Row 5, Column 9
Last changed on on 13. October 2022, 04:02
Solved by Steven R, IAM3, Vebby, Zero II, Mrtn, deltameth, amarins, Jesper, Platinum, salientropy, OutOfMyMindBRB, Playmaker6174, marcmees, Banana, SSG, wrightbr3, Driller, peterkp, Deusmaximus, G1lmlast, Pibonacci, Counterfeitly, yynb2022, farodin64, Jaych, PippoForte, topoi, Trellyc, Felis_Timon, Nylimb, Sewerin, ch1983, morgannamodeaura, boredduck, lmdemasi
on 13. October 2022, 04:02 by DiMono
Updated the wording on the Battlefield rule to make it clear what the "armies" in the Killer clue refers to.
on 12. October 2022, 04:04 by Playmaker6174
A great fun flow, the cages were well placed here :)
on 12. October 2022, 01:01 by OutOfMyMindBRB
A lovely puzzle! Felt flowing from start to finish - thank you :-)
Last changed on 11. October 2022, 22:07on 11. October 2022, 22:03 by Platinum
Loved it, as always with Di Mono but instructions are a little ambiguous, can a cage be only one army in either direction or shrodinger Armies haha, Still figured it out, great concept and lots of Sudoku so perhaps more Mark than Simon ha ha
@Platinum: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzle! I'm confused over your note about the rules being ambiguous though. The 10 cage in row 7 is entirely within row 7, and in that row one army must entirely cross it and the other must not reach it. That means there cannot be a situation where both armies in that row enter the cage. If you can tell me what was ambiguous I can see about clarifying it to prevent that misunderstanding for others.
on 11. October 2022, 17:39 by Steven R
Fun puzzle, thanks :)
on 11. October 2022, 16:49 by DiMono
Solution code said column 8 but is actually column 9. Fixed.