Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sasayaki Misaki (Whispering Cape) - Nurimisaki/German Whispers Sudoku

(Published on 10. October 2022, 18:09 by rockratzero)

Sasayaki Misaki (Whispering Cape)

Inspired by LMI's Nurimisaki Nomad competition, which was expertly constructed by Frostini, I set a hybrid Nurimisaki/German Whispers puzzle. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

Standard Sudoku Rules Apply.

Nurimisaki Rules Apply.
Shade some cells so that the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded or unshaded. Circles mark every instance of a cell which is unshaded and orthogonally adjacent to exactly one other unshaded cell. If a circle contains a number, it indicates how many cells are in the straight line of unshaded cells coming out of the cell with the circle, including itself.

Fill the grid with digits and shading based on the following constraints.

Circle cells. Circle cells will be filled with digits that are valid nurimisaki clues. These cells should be considered the start of a network of german whispers lines.
German Whispers. If orthogonal unshaded cells are not connected by a kropki dot (see below), they are considered to be on a german whisper line along the nurimisaki path. Adjacent digits on a German whisper line must vary by at least 5.
Kropki Pairs. If two cells are connected by kropki dots, both cells must remain unshaded. These cells are on the nurimisake "path", but unlike the German whisper relationships, the pair of digits will either:
1) be consecutive if separated by an empty white dot,
2) form a 2:1 ratio if separated by a black dot, or
3) vary by a difference of 3 if separated by a white dot labelled "3".

F-Puzzles Link
SudokuPad/CTC Link (answer check on digits)
Penpa+ Link (answer check on digits and shading)

Solution code: Digits from the solution in row 2, left-to-right, followed by column 6, top-to-bottom. (18 digits, no spaces)

Solved by Mark Sweep, IAlreadyHaveAKey, awesomesauce, Jesper, abed hawila, mathpesto, AnalyticalNinja , Jaych, misko, humaLautema, JustinTucker, rich_27, ako, h5663454
Full list


on 8. September 2024, 16:08 by h5663454

on 8. September 2024, 13:33 by ako
This type of logic is much more approachable to me, than the classic scanning for naked singles, x-wings and stuff; hence the three stars on difficulty.
5+ on beauty well earned. Lotta thx

on 3. January 2023, 23:40 by AnalyticalNinja
Wow, that was really tricky, but super cool once I figured it out. Very cool interactions in this one for sure!

on 24. December 2022, 22:41 by mathpesto
What a brilliant puzzle. Lots of clever interactions between the rules. Deserves more solves!

on 9. November 2022, 22:01 by Jesper
Great puzzle, thanks!

on 25. October 2022, 06:20 by awesomesauce
This is a really nice puzzle! I loved how the german whispers interacted with the Nurimisaki clues. It took me a couple of hours because I don't think I've done a Nurimisake. Wanted to try this puzzle to understand different pencil puzzle logic than I am used to.

on 11. October 2022, 14:25 by IAlreadyHaveAKey
Nice puzzle! A bit trickier than I initially thought it looked but a very enjoyable solve!

Rating:96 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:11 times

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