Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Two's Company

(Published on 9. November 2022, 16:00 by Blobz)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Whisper: Adjacent digits along the grey line must differ by at least 3.

Kropki: Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all such dots are shown.

Numbered rooms: clues outside the grid indicate the digit which has to be placed in the Nth cell in the corresponding direction, where N is the digit placed in the first cell in that direction.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

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Snack Pack Series

Solution code: Row 2 followed by Column 2

Last changed on on 1. April 2024, 20:58

Solved by Greg, cegie, Eloi.blok, Jagga, AKpK17, Nairi, SKORP17, djorr, Robintre, sujoyku, tribution, the_fow_fow, julien505, Matti64, Domen19192, achim-t, bensisko, MontanaPearl, Zenryo, Steven R, martinsb, ... ChampionAsh5357, koiking, oezi, ALC_Scotch, mego, phs, sockerbecca, me and the paws, Joo M.Y, The Bard, naggy, cheerfuljanb, RickiFerrara, Supertaster, Zedarflight , morgannamodeaura, r0the
Full list


on 1. March 2023, 16:22 by DanSkorne
I'm new to variant puzzles & damn does it feel good to not have to spent 45-60 minutes on a 1 star puzzle for once :D 6:50 completion

on 10. November 2022, 18:18 by Nicholas Roberts
Nice and GASsy. Neat use the combination of whisper and numbered rooms.

on 10. November 2022, 15:12 by Harold
Fun to solve, as was Yesterday's first in this series!

on 9. November 2022, 17:54 by the_fow_fow
A nice quick puzzle. Thank you for sharing!

Rating:90 %
Solved:258 times
Observed:8 times

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