Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

We All Fall Down

(Published on 6. October 2022, 22:59 by DiMono)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Killer Sudoku: Digits in cages sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.

Little Killer Sudoku: Digits along indicated diagonals sum to the attached clue. Digits may repeat along diagonals if allowed by other rules.

XV Dots: Digits separated by grey dots sum to either 5 or 10. The sum for each dot must be determined by the solver. Not all dots are necessarily given.

Solve on F-puzzles
Solve on CTC App

Other titles I considered for this puzzle: Target Practice - So Many Murders - Et Tu, Brute?

Solution code: Column 2, Row 6

Solved by cdwg2000, Jeet Sampat, Vebby, Ocean, by81996672, Dydoe, SKORP17, cemitche, SenatorGronk, StephenR, Dathan, mandourin, Steven R, indolentfool, Fool on Hill, JPlay, farodin64, Yawnus, PippoForte, mezkur7
Full list


on 2. November 2022, 00:19 by JPlay
Satisfying break in idea and flows very naturally after that.

on 1. November 2022, 14:53 by Fool on Hill
Great puzzle. Spotted the break-in after some thought - nicely done, and a good challenging solve after that too. Flowed well.

on 30. October 2022, 00:57 by Dathan
Fantastic puzzle! Thanks

on 29. October 2022, 14:12 by StephenR
Nifty break-in, and very smooth after that.

on 7. October 2022, 00:15 by cdwg2000
Very nice!exquisite break-in.

Rating:91 %
Solved:20 times
Observed:15 times

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