Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Three Cubes (3D-Sudoku)

(Published on 2. October 2022, 16:04 by Raumplaner)

Solution code: Row 5 (from left) and column 6 (from top - 18 digits in total):

Solved by mathpesto, Greg, Crusader175, derKrampus, Jaych, Mikemerin, fjam, wisty, Nalinchen, I Love Sleeping, irq, Phistomefel, Hydalin, zrbakhtiar, Shumpo, creo, Aeneryss, asii, lindae, Yann, ademjaz, h5663454, ltn100, osmie, billhazard, archer4547, ZornsLemon, datax, SpecSheets, mse326, Gluckman, oyyq99999, AdiBoneHead, Fenn, neoire, BigE420, Shmartus, teuthida, Crul, codewizard, humaLautema, MorsBe
Full list


on 27. July 2023, 18:30 by Yann

on 22. July 2023, 09:04 by lindae
I really loved the Würfel concept! I first did not get that every level of one cube has to be from a different row/column but once I realised that is was a nice solve. Would a sudoku without this restriction also be possible?

Last changed on 29. June 2023, 16:11

on 23. June 2023, 17:55 by Hydalin
Schöner Lösungspfad, sehr intuitiv und minimales Setup - gefällt mir sehr gut. Schöne 19 Minuten :)
Vielen lieben Dank für den netten Kommentar (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 29. June 2023, 16:11

on 20. June 2023, 07:26 by Phistomefel
Vielen lieben Dank für die Widmung und das schöne Rätsel, Johannes! (:
Freut mich, dass es Dir gefallen hat!

Last changed on 19. June 2023, 12:48

on 17. June 2023, 09:21 by I Love Sleeping
A very nice sudoku! The introductory puzzle is a must IMO if you are not familliar with the concept.
I enjoyed the way the cubes revealed themselves and even after that the puzzle had more secrets within. 5/5 for fun! :D (3/5 for difficulty)
Many thanks! The puzzle finally got rated :) (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 19. June 2023, 12:48

on 14. May 2023, 18:35 by Nalinchen
Makes me happy as well!
Those comments make me happy:) (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 19. June 2023, 12:49

on 15. March 2023, 02:07 by wisty
This puzzle makes me happy :)
Very glad you enjoyed the puzzle. (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 4. February 2023, 22:43

on 15. January 2023, 18:44 by Mikemerin
Excellent setting and one of those puzzles that makes it fun to jump around the entire grid to solve.
Many thanks. It's definetly one of the favourite puzzles i made. (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 24. October 2022, 13:33

on 24. October 2022, 11:40 by derKrampus
Fun and easy :)
Very happy to see another solve of this puzzle! (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 2. October 2022, 23:02

on 2. October 2022, 19:03 by Crusader175
Very fun puzzle!
Many thanks! (Raumplaner)

Last changed on 2. October 2022, 16:22

on 2. October 2022, 16:20 by mathpesto
A very fun, clever puzzle! :)
Many thanks for your help with the wording of the ruleset. Highly appreciated! (Raumplaner)

Rating:96 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Three-dimensional

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