Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Oculus

(Published on 1. October 2022, 18:06 by Ennead)

This puzzle is a collaboration between myself and the setter known as 'Clocksmith' on the CTC Discord server.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Disjoint set rule: cells that appear in the same position relative to their region cannot repeat.

Grey lines are palindromes and must read the same from both directions.

Digits along an arrow must sum to the circled digit on that arrow.

Digits in a cage must sum to the cage's given total.

f-puzzles CTC

Solution code: Row 3 followed by row 9 (18 digits, no spaces).

Solved by SKORP17, AnalyticalNinja , OhHeyGuysItsMax, Jacsn, Bjd, sasheo, AvonD, monk, apendleton, PippoForte, yttrio, Krokant, BlitzburghBrian, finger
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on 13. January 2024, 06:00 by yttrio
Really interesting coloring puzzle at the beginning, with the cages doing just enough work for everything to fall into place!

Rating:94 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:8 times

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