1. Standard Sudoku rules apply;
2.Standard Diagonal Sudoku rules: Digits along diagonals must not repeat;
3.Anti-Magic Square rules: The sum of the rows, columns, and diagonals in the anti-magic square(gray area) must be different from each other.
Here are some examples:
The sum of the row, column and diagonal in magic square is all same, then if they are all different with each other, this square called anti-magic square.
Penpa link.Have fun solving!
CTC link. Have fun solving!
Solution code: The sum of each row of the top and bottom anti-magic squares,and the sum of each culomn of the left and right anti-magic squares, without spaces.
on 29. September 2022, 14:27 by sujoyku
I liked your puzzle a lot. I started out with "normal sudoku" and only focused on the anti-magic square restriction towards the end (don't know if that fits with your intended solve path). The difficulty is medium in my opinion. The only thing I could criticize: The solution code seemed unnecessarily complicated. (Probably you wanted to emphasize the anti--magic squares a bit more, I suppose?)
Anyway, thanks again for the puzzle. It was great fun!