Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fillomino: Cryptic Differences (#1?)

(Published on 26. September 2022, 17:23 by Niverio)

Inspired by the awesome ideas + puzzles from KNT, Jesper and Magnus, I decided to try my hand at a non-Sudoku puzzle. This puzzle is supposed to be an introduction puzzle to the ruleset, and I will likely set a bigger+harder one in the future, as I really like the potential of this ruleset. I hope you enjoy!


  • Normal Fillomino rules apply. Divide the grid into regions and enter a number in each empty cell, such that:
    1. Each cell contains a number equal to the number of cells in its region.
    2. No two regions of the same size share an edge.
  • Outside clues indicate the size difference of two orthogonally connected Fillomino regions in their respective row or column, in order (Left to right and top to bottom). The clues are mostly cryptic, and which letter corresponds to which digit must be deduced by the solver. Each letter corresponds to a different digit.
  • A "?" represents any single digit number.
  • Outside the grid, "..." denotes an arbitrary number of difference clues. This could be zero, one, or multiple.
  • For any row or column, either all or no clues are provided.

Below is an example illustration to showcase how the ruleset works in a 5x5 grid, with no ?s and no cryptic clues:

And here is the main puzzle, available on Penpa+. Answer check is enabled for correct number placement, including the cryptic column.

Solution code: Row 7, left to right with no spaces.

Solved by KNT, Jesper, kjholt, SudokuExplorer, Bookman, Vebby, marcmees, MagnusJosefsson, polar, moeve, bernhard, Statistica, Piatato, thoughtbyte, RJBlarmo, amarins, Qodec, Sewerin, ascension, Oripy, ... Mark Sweep, Koalagator2, lerroyy, AnnaTh, szabog, MicroStudy, Xendari, Bellsita, Christounet, TigerZG, karlmortenlunna, Myxo, ClashCode, pandiani42, Puzpensu, h5663454, puzzler05, Playmaker6174
Full list


on 7. October 2024, 14:11 by Playmaker6174
Very smooth and fun throughout! I'm kind of afraid to dive into that #2 one here xd

on 25. May 2023, 12:27 by Christounet
It is nice to go back to this first incursion in non-sudoku territory ! A good appetizer for #2, which seems a lot more challenging. Thanks :)

on 30. March 2023, 02:47 by Xendari
very nice!

on 2. February 2023, 18:56 by szabog
Very good idea, thank you. (+1 vote for the non-sudoku puzzles :))

on 1. February 2023, 10:48 by AnnaTh
I love cryptic puzzles (even when I often faul).

on 14. November 2022, 21:01 by PrimeWeasel
Don't let J fool you! Cool puzzzzzz!

on 28. September 2022, 00:08 by thoughtbyte
Awesome ruleset with a wonderful flow. Thanks!

on 27. September 2022, 13:29 by polar
Super! It's so great to see more great sudoku setters branching into pencil puzzles :) Please keep going!!

on 27. September 2022, 11:24 by MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful! Creative ruleset and very well set path, really looking forward to more Fillominos from you in the future!

on 27. September 2022, 08:39 by marcmees
tricky ending. nice. thanks.

on 26. September 2022, 23:26 by Vebby
Lovely variant! Look forward to #2! Thanks Niv :)

on 26. September 2022, 21:58 by Bookman
Amazing puzzle! Thank you :)

on 26. September 2022, 20:02 by kjholt
I loved this! Very well done, excellent intro to the ruleset. And although I might not solve it I'm looking forward to the harder version(s) :)

on 26. September 2022, 18:07 by Jesper
Awesome! Well-guided narrow path, especially in the beginning. I enjoyed it a lot, looking forward to the next one!

on 26. September 2022, 17:25 by KNT
Perfectly set, very smooth & easy introduction to a new variant! Glad I could test it, hoping you make a harder one in the future :)

Rating:95 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:6 times

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