Below is an example illustration to showcase how the ruleset works in a 5x5 grid, with no ?s and no cryptic clues:
And here is the main puzzle, available on Penpa+. Answer check is enabled for correct number placement, including the cryptic column.
Solution code: Row 7, left to right with no spaces.
on 7. October 2024, 14:11 by Playmaker6174
Very smooth and fun throughout! I'm kind of afraid to dive into that #2 one here xd
on 25. May 2023, 12:27 by Christounet
It is nice to go back to this first incursion in non-sudoku territory ! A good appetizer for #2, which seems a lot more challenging. Thanks :)
on 30. March 2023, 02:47 by Xendari
very nice!
on 2. February 2023, 18:56 by szabog
Very good idea, thank you. (+1 vote for the non-sudoku puzzles :))
on 1. February 2023, 10:48 by AnnaTh
I love cryptic puzzles (even when I often faul).
on 14. November 2022, 21:01 by PrimeWeasel
Don't let J fool you! Cool puzzzzzz!
on 28. September 2022, 00:08 by thoughtbyte
Awesome ruleset with a wonderful flow. Thanks!
on 27. September 2022, 13:29 by polar
Super! It's so great to see more great sudoku setters branching into pencil puzzles :) Please keep going!!
on 27. September 2022, 11:24 by MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful! Creative ruleset and very well set path, really looking forward to more Fillominos from you in the future!
on 27. September 2022, 08:39 by marcmees
tricky ending. nice. thanks.
on 26. September 2022, 23:26 by Vebby
Lovely variant! Look forward to #2! Thanks Niv :)
on 26. September 2022, 21:58 by Bookman
Amazing puzzle! Thank you :)
on 26. September 2022, 20:02 by kjholt
I loved this! Very well done, excellent intro to the ruleset. And although I might not solve it I'm looking forward to the harder version(s) :)
on 26. September 2022, 18:07 by Jesper
Awesome! Well-guided narrow path, especially in the beginning. I enjoyed it a lot, looking forward to the next one!
on 26. September 2022, 17:25 by KNT
Perfectly set, very smooth & easy introduction to a new variant! Glad I could test it, hoping you make a harder one in the future :)