Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Balanced Sudoku #02

(Published on 24. September 2022, 04:50 by Nell Gwyn)

I made this almost a year ago (and made my first Balanced Sudoku even longer ago). The story behind this is: I was thinking about PjotrV's "Miracle Squares" puzzle, and how he'd discovered that it's not possible to make a full sudoku that has both Anti-XV and Anti-Kropki constraints. That seemed like a shame, so I tried to see if it was possible to do so with my Balanced Sudoku variant.

I was nervous about trying to make this, since I'd never even managed to set a nonconsecutive sudoku (I kept placing three or four digits and then finding out 50 deductions later that I'd broken the puzzle), and the nonconsecutive rule were the one clue type whose logic WASN'T changed by swapping out the range of numbers used... but for some reason this only took me a handful of attempts to make a working grid (though some of the arrows are there just to make a smoother solve rather than being required for uniqueness). The resulting puzzle is a bit cluttered-looking, but it works.

  • Every row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4] once each (so, normal sudoku rules, just using -4 to +4 instead of 1 to 9).
  • Numbers along an arrow must sum to the number in the circle.
  • Any two orthogonally-adjacent numbers cannot be consecutive, cannot have a 1:+2 ratio, and cannot sum to +5 (they may have a 1:-2 ratio, or sum to -5).

Penpa: https://tinyurl.com/4k8wdrbw

NOTE: For Penpa's answer check, use the numbers on the "Sudoku" tab and shade the negative ones gray.

Solution code: Rows 8 and 9, left to right, with signs in front of negative digits (e.g. 12-1-3-4304-240-4-212-33-1)

Last changed on on 24. September 2022, 04:55

Solved by lsw770770, Gryllulus, Lurcane, wisty, lmdemasi, ThePedallingPianist, gdc, Ratfinkz, josh_johnson, karlmortenlunna
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on 24. September 2022, 04:55 by Nell Gwyn
Added links to the previous puzzle, and also to PjotrV's puzzle that tangentially inspired this one.

Ich habe einen Link zum vorherigen Rätsel hinzugefügt und auch einen Link zu PjotrVs Rätsel, das dieses hier indirekt inspiriert hat.

Solved:10 times
Observed:8 times

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