Solution code: Row 7 and column 7.
on 29. December 2023, 03:46 by kross
I found this one to be 2-3 stars. After the obvious hint in the title, it was pretty straightforward sudoku after that. All the pencil marks were a little overwhelming, but once I started using my own corner pencil marks, it became straightforward.
on 11. April 2023, 00:16 by dennischen
Pretty nice and difficult even while I was tipped off by the title as to the technique. But I don't really think the V's were necessary since it either trivially reduced to givens or a pair and IMO just were an unnecessary constraint.
on 24. February 2023, 20:38 by Paquet Voleur
Wow! Unsure how this puzzle was supposed to get solved, but I'm guessing my approach using a slightly more delicate and oriented than usual but still crude version of the methodology commonly referred to as brute force was neither the fastest nor the most elegant. It feels good nevertheless to know I didn't break it along the way.
on 29. September 2022, 21:10 by sujoyku
Hey Will Power, thank you for this amazing puzzle! I knew what the title refered to and still found the puzzle very hard to solve. But the pleasure of reducing the pencil marks and hunting for the jellies felt so addictive to me that I came back after failing in the first attempt. :)