Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Embrace (6x6 Arrow CC)

(Published on 22. September 2022, 19:03 by Xendari)

This puzzle is intended to be approachable for solvers that are new to chaos construction. Your feedback is appreciated, and I hope you enjoy solving :)

Chaos Construction: The digits 1-6 must appear exactly once in each row, column, and region. A region is an orthogonally connected group of cells that must be determined by the solver.
Arrow: Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's circle. Digits along an arrow are in the same region, and that arrow's circle is in a different region.

Solve online: CTC App | F-Puzzles

Solution code: Row 5, column 5 (12 digit string)

Solved by randomra, KNT, Playmaker6174, Luaryo, Dandelo, amarins, Jesper, belfieldtj, Florian Wortmann, GentlemanJim, brandon_bot, AvonD, achim-t, ficko, Elliptical, Jlrice2, Greg, mathpesto, derKrampus, ... NeroChaos, CHalb, Rollo, asii, akamchinjir, gUBBLOR, isajo4002, pepe74287, botteur, geswat, radium, MountBecton, Calesch, steeto, gdc, happyteo, windmill, kdwji, maniacaljackal, ratolibre
Full list


on 17. December 2022, 03:35 by Calvinball
Thank you for setting this! I've wanted to start solving CC, and this really is a perfect intro to the concept.

Last changed on 23. September 2022, 02:27

on 23. September 2022, 01:29 by mathpesto
Great puzzle! You've packed a lot of beautiful logic into a tiny grid :)


Thank you! and thank you again for your testing and feedback :)

Last changed on 23. September 2022, 00:54

on 22. September 2022, 20:44 by Florian Wortmann
Some cool deductions in this one, very nice!


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it ^_^

Last changed on 23. September 2022, 00:54

on 22. September 2022, 19:45 by Playmaker6174
Cute puzzle, though it took me a bit longer than expected x)


Thank you for your comment and solve :)

Rating:95 %
Solved:125 times
Observed:13 times

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