Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Which is it?

(Published on 21. November 2022, 14:00 by djorr)

This was the puzzle I made for the public puzzle pack "Caging Constraints" created by BremSter, in collaboration with Skunkworks. Enjoy!

Rules: Normal sudoku rules apply. The inequality symbol "points" to the lower of the two digits.

Cage ambiguity: The cages in the grid are either killer cages or look-and-say cages (or both). It is up to the solver to determine which cage is which. The definitions are below:

- Killer cages: Digits cannot repeat within a cage and must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.

- Look-and-Say cages: Digits CAN repeat in these cages. The number in the top left corner should be read as a look-and-say number and says which digits are in that cage. For example, if a look-and-say cage has the clue "12" then it means there is one 2 in the cage. If it has the clue "33" then it means there are three 3s in the cage.

F-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=27e7pynh
SudokuPad link: https://link.sudokupad.app/cagey-whichisit

If you are interested in more puzzles with the "look-and-say" variant, I invite you to try other puzzles using the following link:

Look-and-Say Puzzles

Solution code: Row 1 Column 1 (18 digits, no spaces)

Last changed on -

Solved by Domen19192, ElimGarak, Myreque, Guillem98, cegie, absolutebeginner, HelloKetene, twototenth, SKORP17, salientropy, efnenu, asver, Fool on Hill, haligonian, RootsInWermland, belfieldtj, samuella, ... fca.felix.sudoku, Allagem, pepe74287, vmirandaa, GexTed, zxp774747, Felis_Timon, zrbakhtiar, PippoForte, nomos, Peeko6817, Just me, Carolin, Saskia, abadx, asii, trashghost, Vebby, Johannes Quack
Full list


Last changed on 9. December 2022, 15:24

on 8. December 2022, 07:45 by 99jau99
A lot of fun with this one. Very nice!
Thank you 99jau99!

Last changed on 28. November 2022, 01:49

on 28. November 2022, 01:29 by wooferzfg
Very nice and smooth!
Thanks wooferzfg! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Last changed on 21. November 2022, 21:46

on 21. November 2022, 17:35 by twototenth
Loved this! Very clean and fun.
Thanks twototenth, much appreciated :)

Rating:94 %
Solved:80 times
Observed:8 times

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